i literally just saw a cockraoch a few mins ago and murdered it Grab a large, durable object Slam it against the cockroach repeatedly until it stops moving/moves very little Quickly grab paper towels/anything similar Cover the cockroach with it Stomp on it repeatedly with your foot, HARD. Atleast 12 times will do.[Note:These creatures are VERY resilient, take off its head and it'll still live for a week. Make sure its all nice and squished] Flush it down the toilet, do NOT risk letting it stay in a trash can in your house For those of you that are scared to touch it, cockroaches love being touched and i mean literally LOVE it why do you trhink they live in dark cramped spaces give them what they want squash them murder them beat the inner organs out of them cause it's
Some are just weird others are freaking hilarious https://twitter.com/montyoum/status/482716282911850496 https://twitter.com/montyoum/status/482490710931685376 https://twitter.com/montyoum/status/473772481992339456 https://twitter.com/montyoum/status/449801683460055040 https://twitter.com/montyoum/status/413556156758376448
cause like air you cant see it unless its like gas airish But Imagining Aang riding on his air scooter And then imagining it being invisible I wonder why no one in-universe laughs at how it would look like with the usual stance he takes when riding it
does swetting make you lose fat does that maen that overheating and sweating unfattens you too
What makes you move unconsciously Why How
Grab a jillion water spiders Cut off their legs Attach them to the bottom of your shoes Walk on water while playing this song loudly Whoo your friends
If you got a metal pole And then stood in a position as if you were sitting down And then put the pole under your butt and jumped And pulled as hard as you can, with enough force Could you float in midair
No but seriously like need the answer right now
do you suffocate and die or do you suffocate wake up and then die
Like is it true like blind people have better hearing and deaf people have better sight or something if so how does it woooork much question very curious
like literally what the title says do the muscles relax like they do when you're alive and you're just like "uuUH" and relaxx
And by sleep, I mean go to bed, not drifting to actual zzz's cause no one can really tell exactly when On school days, I usually sleep at 12AM-1AM On no school days, 1AM-3AM
What happens if you ignore fatigue? Like You get tired but you pretend its not there and you just keep going Does something happen?
no but like is that how theyd sound like in real life cause yeah their anatomy is nearly identical to humans but would bigass vocal chords make noises closer to the English or Japanese titans honestly i cant tell which one I prefer theyre both pretty cool
So why was he found frozen lying down...? HMM
i did like 5'8' to say 5 feet 8 inches everyone got it but apparently it was rwong because thats 5 feet 8 feet i was suppose to do 5'8" " """ aaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
And the third in the series begins! Let's see how this one lasts As you may notice if you've played this before, I've taken out the mods. Now they can't reset the countdown! Only help in aiding it Let us begin our first step... One
no seriously what wh