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  1. jackdaniel0
    So me and my sis were chilling on our computers in the same room
    And I farted.
    Sis: Get out
    Me thoughts: idea.
    Me in batman voice: Tell me
    Me: Do you breathe
    Sis: N--
    Me: You won't

    Thread by: jackdaniel0, Oct 3, 2016, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. jackdaniel0 hard would it be to move quickly and quietly? Like, murderer on the loose in your house and you trying to dump it all on his face quickly and quietly.
    Thread by: jackdaniel0, Oct 2, 2016, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. jackdaniel0
    Land on their head, or land on their head wearing a bucket?
    And I mean this kind of bucket and way they're wearing it
    Thread by: jackdaniel0, Oct 2, 2016, 11 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. jackdaniel0
    copy and pasting from skype bc im a lazy

    someone in my Spanish class apparently has a crush on me

    during class she like tried to whisper something at me(she was a bit of a distance away) so I just
    got up and moved to her and I like knelt down to her bc she was sitting on the floor and its a thing that I don't hear what people say and I just scream "WHAT" so I did that in her face and she and everyone around us started laughing and she just "Nothing forget it!"
    then after class I went up to her like what were you trying to say and then she was like abt to say something and then just went Nevermind, I forgot! and I just "YOU WERE ABOUT TO SAY IT A SECOND AGO???" and then her friend was like "She has a crush on you!" and she just "Yeah I have a crush on you"
    and I just
    like. "Oh. I don't know how to respond to that."
    Idek if she was like joking or smthng

    I'm gonna like approach her on facebook and see if its an actual legit crush bc we like. barely know each other. like we worked in the same group but we met this year and we only have 1 class together and we don't even sit next to each other theres a person between us[5:37 PM] Enerjak:

    also she winked at me one time and I thought it was like Sup kind of thing so I did like the oppositenod thing back at her like Sup

    I'm so ****ign lost. how did I get someone crushin on me

    im the guy that let his head get hit by a metal ball for science and screams "WHAT" really loudly when I cant hear someone that the guy behind me can hear
    Thread by: jackdaniel0, Sep 30, 2016, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. jackdaniel0
    I want it to be Poke
    Thread by: jackdaniel0, Sep 20, 2016, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. jackdaniel0
    or did I just miss something
    but anyways, why can't I see a like button?
    Thread by: jackdaniel0, Sep 11, 2016, 9 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. jackdaniel0
    So I got bored and decided to calculate how strong it was(Mainly I just wanted to do a comparison to how much force Saitama could withstand vs. Goku in base form[Goku lifts just under 40 tons, fun fact.]). So I did stuff.
    Force in Newtons = Mass in kg x Acceleration in meters/second squared
    First, how long did it take for Saitama to reach the moon?
    About 3 seconds.
    How far is Moon from Earth?
    238,900 miles.
    238,900 / 3 = 79633.3333333 miles per second. We convert that to m/s^2, we get
    621.32474 m/s^2
    Saitama's official weight is 70 kg. So we multiply that with our acceleration and we get a force of
    43492.7318 newtons. Converted to pounds, that's 9777.555039915036 pounds...Not even 5 tons. Seems kind of wrong.
    I'm pretty sure I did something wrong, this is the first time I used F=MA. So...
    Thoughts? Critiques?
    Thread by: jackdaniel0, Jul 21, 2016, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. jackdaniel0
    [6:10:45 PM] Poke: probably should've asked this before I did it but
    [6:10:55 PM] Poke: is it a good idea to clean a desktops back heatair-exit vents with a tissue
    [6:11:02 PM] Poke: like, I just wiped it on the holes things and a **ton of dust came off them

    I'm trying to find ways to clean my desktop without having to take it apart, by the way. If you have any other ideas, please share.

    But yeah, was it a good idea to just wipe it with tissue?

    Also, how far from a wall should the back of the desktop be, since there shouldn't be blockage of the vents?

    edit: Also, how much help would it have been, cleaning the vents with the tissue?
    Thread by: jackdaniel0, Jul 17, 2016, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. jackdaniel0
    I got a Complessivo pin, what does it mean?

    Edit: Okay nvm I saw the text underneath, and "Reason: Winner of a category in Cycle 1 of the 2014 KH-Vids User Awards!"
    Okay, what does that mean? Like how do I know which category?
    ...Wow that's like 2 years ago
    Thread by: jackdaniel0, Jun 30, 2016, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. jackdaniel0

    Thread by: jackdaniel0, Apr 8, 2016, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. jackdaniel0
    who would win
    Thread by: jackdaniel0, Nov 23, 2015, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. jackdaniel0
    Pressed Post by accident, hold on until I finish typing the rest!

    I haven't touched my computer at all since last night, and when I open it, it's gone. It's a Windows 7, so there's the little arrow pointing up down in the taskbar that says "Show hidden icons" when you over over it. When I hover over the audio icon, it says "No Audio Output Device is installed."
    I tried restarting, can't system restore since there's no restore points, tried troubleshooting but it just says "Conexant SmartAudio HD has a driver problem"

    And when I go to device manager, there's this

    I checked the properties for all the icons with the yellow triangle and it tells me "Windows cannot start this hardware device because its configuration information (in the registry) is incomplete or damaged. (Code 19)"
    I tried uninstalling all of those and Scanning, which reinstalled them, but the sound still doesn't work.
    Any ideas?
    Thread by: jackdaniel0, Nov 7, 2015, 8 replies, in forum: Technology
  13. jackdaniel0
    ...and ignoring the fact that fire consumes oxygen...
    Could a person that is able to ignite themself be able to breathe if they were to walk underwater and use Leidenfrost to form an air bubble around them?
    Thread by: jackdaniel0, Nov 3, 2015, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. jackdaniel0


    Just finished making my hat for my Jay Garrick costume.
    Now the whole thing is finally finished.
    i feel so accomplished even though it was basically just buying a shirt, making wings out of plywood, coloring them with yellow highlighter(I dont have crayons) and sticking them on a fedora.
    Thread by: jackdaniel0, Oct 29, 2015, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. jackdaniel0
    M= 10 pounds
    A= 761 miles per hour
    What's the force in pounds?
    Thread by: jackdaniel0, Oct 22, 2015, 10 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. jackdaniel0
    How much force would there be behind a punch coming from a 5'2" 15-year-old girl travelling at 761 miles per hour?
    Thread by: jackdaniel0, Oct 21, 2015, 10 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. jackdaniel0
    ...I want to do a KH-Vids version. And I know we've already got something similar, but I want all the singers to be singing throughout the whole song, in any way they like and maybe adding bits to make their parts unique so that it'd be basically a bundle of maybe try-hard and hilarity.
    Thread by: jackdaniel0, Oct 18, 2015, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. jackdaniel0
    ...are parallels of planets that bend space-time around them because of their gravity...
    ...what would the equivalent of water on the fabric to spacetime be?
    Thread by: jackdaniel0, Oct 15, 2015, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. jackdaniel0
    because I need advice for my RWBY AU based on The Flash
    Thread by: jackdaniel0, Oct 13, 2015, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. jackdaniel0
    How long would it take to run 5.3 miles while going 837 mph?
    I found out.
    837/60/60=.2325 miles per second
    .2325 x 22.79569892475 = 5.3
    For some reason, I never thought to just do 5.3/.2325, I literally typed manually just typed in numbers until I got closer and closer and finally got to 5.3
    But yeah
    It takes 22.79569892475 seconds to run 5.3 miles while going Mach 1.1, which is actually about how long it took for Barry to get to Girder, from the moment he runs to the moment he punches him, it's 27 seconds. But there's also slowmotion shots, so how long it actually took him to get there is probably much closer to 22.
    I wonder if they intentionally filmed that scene to take that long.
    Thread by: jackdaniel0, Oct 11, 2015, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone