yo'k, i did that, and i got a save, now its on my desktop, now what do i do after i plug my ar max into my pc? My AR MAX came With Max Memory too.
hey, can u use ar max, plug it into the computer, download a save off google, and put it on the ar max?
hey, evil man, do u use ar max or code breaker?
know anyone who has armax?
ok, how do i get saves off google, and put them n my max memory part of my ar-max?
ok, i got some, now how can i put them onto my max memory part of my armax?
oh, well on my ar max, i read that i can download save files, how do i do that and put them on my ar max?
hey, come one come all, and join! http://www.youtube.com/group/ScottsKHAMVCONTEST KH ONLY!
ok, i downloaded a save, now what, how do i put it into the ar-max?
make a fake account, younger.
go to red sonics live feed, ask him there.. http://www.stickam.com/profile/redsonic
hey, im bored, so evil man, if u think of any new codes, ill test em for ya...
Thanks for doin that!
Someone Test It For ME? i did, but i wanna make sure it works for everyone. no saving, no drives, but you can do everythin other than that.
ya, there is, i have the code. Sora KH1 Costume MMWH-E461-RM5HF 5MMK-PQ3P-B1B9J