I agree with this idea because a lot of the time there will just be pages worth of OOC in RPs, and it can be a bit spamy and rediculous. Also, like you said, it will prevent arguments and such from disturbing the flow of the RP. As to whether the idea will be taken or not I'm not sure, but I like this idea. ^^
I'm the same way about both that song and Jimmy Eat World. Path - Apocalyptica
Aw, I like it! It has such a nice flow, and it leaves the reader with a light feeling. Nicely done! ^^
What are there sentence enhancers you speak of?
Over - 12012
Venus Doom - HIM
They look like plushies. ^^ ...Now I want plushies. ;~;
The Heartless - HIM
Bleed Well - HIM
Red... - Dir En Grey
Alones - Aqua Timez
Kain - Buck-Tick
Bittersweet - Apocalyptica
I think they return to normal. I remember at one point I reverted to a normal member for a small while because some of my posts were deleted. But then I reached 1000 posts again and I was back to being a premy. I don't know if it's still the same way now, but it probably is.
Brown Noise - The Acacia Strain
I'm apathetic. ...Oh, that mood isn't listed? Exactly.
Tsubasa - Alice Nine
^ I love Lamb of God. XD Kaikou - Kozi
Perfect - Flyleaf
Whatever It Takes - Lifehouse