Aces High - Children of Bodom
I don't like Nickelback nearly as much as I used to when I was younger. I don't know, I think they have become really stale to me, and I've heard their songs too much (especially Rockstar...I just can't stand that song these days). Anyways, there are only a couple of songs that I KINDA like from them: Because of You Hero There is one other song that I don't mind, I just can't think of the name of it. Aside from those, I'm not into them much, anymore. I can stand to hear some of their songs if I must, but I barely listen to them on my own free will.
Farewell. I still remember you, by the way, it is true. Enjoy your life and stay strong, alright?
Buried Alive By Love - HIM
Eh, I have only made one AMV in quite a while, and the rest of my AMVs are gone. Here it is: I have a new YouTube account because I deleted my old one...I just didn't want it, anymore. Obviously all the videos I had in the User Portal are gone. Anyways, this is the first AMV I've made in a long time, it's nothing special. I just figured I'd join this, anyways. ^^
Finally someone said it. Thank you, Jube.
I've used: FireNanaki Saxilesm Nanaki In that order. XD
What I meant...was try a new snake picture aside from the one you've been posting. -.-;
Try posting something new.
^ This. -.-;
GameFAQS, the site where threads are full of endless bullshit. This is funny to read. XDD
That was quite amusing. XDD Honestly, it almost seems like he was trying out to be the next Billy Mayes. I don't know why I keep thinking that. XD;
Wouldn't that be kinda unfair, though? If they are able to come on this site, then they would be offended to find that a popular part of the forums is locked off from them for 1-3 years. Also, it would make people more tempted to post innapropriate things...I can already see it getting out of hand, so I don't agree with this idea, sorry. I get where you're coming from, but still...
Our premies are seeing potential! XDD Anyways, hello there! Read the rules, stay active, and enjoy yourself here! We don't bite, many just bark loud. X3
Shit wars are popping up all over the place. Drama and stuff. The usual. X3
This place is going to hell. Welcome back! =D
I don't blame you or anyone who wishes to leave at all. This place...I remember in older days it did seem really great. It has gone downhill these days, it's not devastatingly horrible, but it's just not as great as it once was. Anyhow, enjoy yourself and be happy. I'm glad that a lot of you are keeping in contact with your friends. ^^
Evergreen - Hyde
Honestly, I'm here because I have a friend I PM here, I'm bored over summer vacation, and I have no life for the most part. I'm basically a lurker still, since I'm always ignored here, but it doesn't bother me at all. I'm posting again just because I'm bored, to be honest. Some people here aren't bad, some...yeah, you catch my drift~ See ya later. I hope the forum grows up at some point, too. Enjoy yourself, don't let stress bog ya down. ^^
Wait, why? o.O;