Sounds morbidly delicious. I'm just kidding. XD
That's okay, I don't even have my date of birth visible. XDD Thanks. XD
Oh, NOW someone cares. I see how it is... ... ... ... Thanks! XDD
That's okay. I turn 17 today, and I know nobody cares. :3
Rebel Yell - HIM Live version. X3
Scum Of The Earth - Rob Zombie
XDD Okami was another great game. ^^
Funny. My mom played that game...and about every five seconds she was calling me to help her beat the bosses and get through every hard part. I found it funny. X3
Agreed, glad to see the blueness, Repliku. ^^
Blue, the shade of his eyes being the best shade of blue ever. ^^ ...Of course, I love all shades of blue. XD; And, of course, black is my second favorite color closely following blue. I don't wear it everyday because I hate it, right? X3
Shia is the Messiah~ *Coughs* There are die hard fans of this? Even better, "booping" is now a word? Ooh, lets throw our hands up and cheer! So, they're saying if I waste five hours of my life slapping stickers of an ugly person on street signs, I'll be rewarded? ....All I have to say is.... What a load. XDD I'd laugh if someone actually started to believe in this shit.
I've been trying to sleep since 2 in the morning. It is now 6 in the morning. There is no rain, loud noises, or other various distractions to stop my slumber. I just can't sleep. -.-;
I'm a water monkey. XD ...Which totally conflicts with my other Zodiac, the fiery Leo. >.<
Razorblade - HIM
A safety hazard. That counts...right? ....Okay, I tried. >.>;
"KH-VIDS.NET Your ordinary source for Kingdom Hearts Media" XDD
Clickies Major flame wars. People freaked. Site went insane. Site closed. Site opened with that thread. Yeah.
I'm not afraid to die, it's going to happen, so I'm not going to fear death. But, I am afraid to know if anyone will really care when I die. When I die, will I have anyone around to bother caring? If I do have people who will care, what if my death will cause them problems? Such as, leaving behind a child who still needs me in their life? Aside from fears along those lines, I also wonder what will happen after I die? Is there an afterlife? Is there nothingness? Is there...perhaps something uncomprehendable that will happen afterwards? I wonder about such things constantly, because I'm a deep thinker.
Karasu - Dir En Grey
Disposable Teens - Marylin Manson