^ This. It's addictive and entrancing. @_@
With real name: Evil Busty Bertha With username: Arch-Pirate Hairy Legs ........WTF? O.o;
The kids I baby sit go on club penguin! :lolface: Oh yeah! That was, like, so funneh! *Soul dies x.x*
My eyes...they bleed...-.-;
Through The Fire And Flames - Dragonforce To be truthful, I used to hate this song. Now I think it's alright. Weird. >.>
Right Here In My Arms - HIM
Daybreak's Bell - L'Arc~En~Ciel
Okay, I'm a straight girl. I love someone because of everything he is, inside and out. Now, when I seriously think about this deeply....to be honest, finding something like this out about him would fucking freak me out. I have absolutely nothing against hermaphrodites, but....it would turn me off and creep me out. It's just not my preference at all. I mean, if I was ever going out with him and found this out, I'd probably stay with him....but not do anything. Then he'd break up with me. Then I'd cry. And stuff. Basically, it would ruin my life. That's why I'm happy he's a full-fledged guy, and not bi-gendered. Sorry, but that's just my preference. In short: Relationship w/ bi-gendered = </3
Hopeless - For The Fallen Dreams
I know. I bet there are plenty of people who don't know what it is. It wouldn't surprise me. My guess is that they're really young, in middle school or early high school. Or they just don't know anyone who moshes, which I guess would be rare by high school. X3
Well, I didn't know what it was until I started hanging out with people who did it. I personally have never moshed, and I'm physically too weak for that kind of stuff (and too shy). XD ...I must admit I only learned about moshing when I reached high school. X3
Up to this point, the weirdest movie I saw was The Brood. It was pretty eerie and dark. A very strange movie...
Mosh Pits. Go.
...If you're talking about scenes as in backgrounds to movies, shows, etc, I love them, hands down. ...If you're talking about scenes in video games & stuff, I love them, hands down. ...If you're talking about people who wear bright colors with black and act obnoxious...I don't like most of them. Like with any groups of people, some of them can turn out to be pretty cool. But for the majority, I don't like them. I don't hate them, but I just don't like them for the most part.
Did they respond?
I like Adult Swim better. I must say though, Toonami was great when I was a kid. Because of Toonami, I found Rurouni Kenshin, and it's my favorite show to this day. They also had a bunch of other cool shows I would not have found had I not have watched it, so I definitely liked it back then. When I was really into Adult Swim, I watched Inuyasha, FLCL, Wolf's Rain, Detective Conan, Trigun, Fullmetal Alchemist, and other shows pretty often. These days, I don't watch as much tv as I did when I was younger, but I'll still watch Adult Swim from time to time. Some of their shows are still good, but as for Toonami...it's lost it's edge, in a big way.
Lots of killing? The possessed ending? Count me in. >:3 Besides, if I'm right...I think you're three hours behind me, like one of my friends. So, yeah. XD
Nanakir...wtf? No, just no.
...Spray it with lysol. If it doesn't die, you know it is, in fact, a spider.