Hi! Read the rules and enjoy KH-Vids! Bye bye, Rhoppergaurd.
He looks like he's about to pedovamp her neck.
I'm giving these guys a listen right now. They're good. ^^
I'm definitely into the same genres of music, among some others. My favorite genres will always be rock and metal, though! XD I think a lot of people were. XP Eh, everyone's different. It's cool. ^^
Yeah. When I was a tiny kid I loved Britney Spears and the Backstreet Boys. Once I grew out of them, I never cared for any particular celebrities again. As for her music, it's not my kinda stuff. XDD
^ These are my thoughts, exactly.
Riot - Three Days Grace
Lost Heaven - L'Arc~En~Ciel
That song is good, too! XD Fat Lip - Sum 41
Bother - Stone Sour
Three Days Later - FM Static
It's Been A While - Staind
Agreed. Howard's Tale - Sick Puppies
Hurt - Nine Inch Nails
Terrible Lie - Nine Inch Nails
Ooh, that looks fun. Can't you tell just how happy that kid feels?
Agreed, destroy the useless, old thread. ....I didn't even know we got a new User Portal. O.o;
Twitter rhymes with bitter. Aside from that...I have no comment to spare on Twitter.
Over... - 12012 Good Japanese band.
Piggy - Nine Inch Nails I fu**in' love this song! XD