Misunderstandings happen all the time, especially on the internet. You're welcome. ^^
I could be wrong, but I think he meant that your user name was misspelled on the poll. Read what Misty and What? said after wards.
Ah...I remember a thread like this in my much earlier days on this site. I figured mine out way back then; it's Saxilesm.
Make Up Your Mind - Theory Of A Deadman
Without You - Hinder
Bittersweet - Apocalyptica (Featuring: Ville Valo & Lauri Ylonen)
The Notion - FM Static
No Handlebars - Flobots
Combination Breakage~ Black Tail - Vistlip
As Diehard As They Come - Hatebreed
A Day Late (Acoustic) - Anberlin
Godspeed - Anberlin
Terrible Lie - Nine Inch Nails
UVERworld is awesome. ^^ Vengeance - For The Fallen Dreams
That's what I did, too! ^^ Yeah, judging from the mangas, if they do this right it will be an awesome ending! I seriously thought they were finished with the anime. This is cool! ^^
Okay, I can't stand spiders and tarantulas either, but the Cobalt Blue Tarantula is beautiful. Spoiler At least I'm nice enough to make this a spoiler, too. But the colors! DAMN I love the colors of blue on this tarantula! o.O;
Doubt and Trust - Access
I guess this is one of those only a mother could love scenarios.
If you woke up with it standing on your torso, what would you do?
...That is the ugliest toy in existence.