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  1. Vladimir Makarov
  2. Vladimir Makarov
    Profile Post

    *Runs fast*

    *Runs fast*
    Profile Post by Vladimir Makarov for Sakura Angel, Oct 4, 2010
  3. Vladimir Makarov
  4. Vladimir Makarov
    Profile Post

    Not much. You?

    Not much. You?
    Profile Post by Vladimir Makarov for Terra254, Oct 4, 2010
  5. Vladimir Makarov
    Profile Post

    *Chases* :3

    *Chases* :3
    Profile Post by Vladimir Makarov for Sakura Angel, Oct 4, 2010
  6. Vladimir Makarov
    Profile Post

    Yay! ^^

    Yay! ^^
    Profile Post by Vladimir Makarov for Sakura Angel, Oct 4, 2010
  7. Vladimir Makarov
  8. Vladimir Makarov
    Sora clenched his fist. His head turned towards her. He tried to keep a straight face. "What about him?" Sora asked.

    Kairi burst in, out of breath. She didn't speak.
    Post by: Vladimir Makarov, Oct 4, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Vladimir Makarov
  10. Vladimir Makarov
    OOC: Since Sora is not taken, i'll play him for now.

    BIC: Sora had been sitting on the couch, watching his favorite TV program when he heard a knock at the door. Not wanting to get up, he shouted to his guest at the door. "It's open!"

    Kairi was almost to Sora's house. She had left immediately after Max's speech. She needed to tell Sora the situation now.
    Post by: Vladimir Makarov, Oct 4, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Vladimir Makarov
  12. Vladimir Makarov
  13. Vladimir Makarov
    Profile Post

    I'm good. ^^ You?

    I'm good. ^^ You?
    Profile Post by Vladimir Makarov for Sakura Angel, Oct 4, 2010
  14. Vladimir Makarov
    Max looked behind him. He spotted a girl walking with a little boy. He smirked. "Well, my dear, I have bigger fish to fry. It's time for me to make a public appearance." Max vanished, leaving a puddle of goo behind. He appeared on top of a nearby play house. "Silence!" He shouted at the crowd in an extremely loud voice. Everyone shut up. "Good... listen very carefully. My name is Maximillion Currier. I am the cause of this chaos. If you don't want anymore children to go missing, then you'd best do as I say. I would like 50 child sacrifices. No younger than one year and no older than seven years... and I would like them hand delivered to me by two very special people... Riku and Sora. I will not accept the sacrifices from anyone else. If I do not recieve the children in one week, your pathetic island will be destroyed. I highly recommend that you inform the mayor of the situation immediately. I won't wait long... and to some of you children... i'll see you soon." Max vanished.
    Post by: Vladimir Makarov, Oct 4, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Vladimir Makarov
    Kairi's eyes narrowed at him. "I am also guessing that you are the one that has been kidnapping the children. Am I correct?" She asked. Kairi put her fists up, ready to fight Max.

    Max chuckled. "My... such a smart girl. Yes. You are correct. I am the cause of all this panic and paranoia." He laughed. "And... what are you gonna do about it? You're just a little girl. You're no match for me."

    Kairi smiled a little. "You don't fool me. I know you're scared of me. I can see it in your eyes. My light scares you."

    Max frowned. This girl was dangerous. If she can use her light to its full potential... there was a good possibility that he would lose this battle. He had to absorb her... and get all that power for himself.
    Post by: Vladimir Makarov, Oct 4, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Vladimir Makarov
    xD I could edit one in, if you want?
    Post by: Vladimir Makarov, Oct 3, 2010 in forum: The Playground
  17. Vladimir Makarov
    OOC: Both of you are in.

    BIC: Max looked around at the chaos. The glorious chaos. Children crying, parents frantically searching, police trying to get everything in order. All of this was caused by him, and Max was quite proud of himself. He turned around and came face-to-face with a red headed girl. "Out of the way." He ordered firmly. The girl was Kairi.

    Kairi ignored his order. "Are you the cause of this?" She asked.

    Max frowned. This girl's light made him feel very uncomfortable. He decided to answer her question. "Yes."
    Post by: Vladimir Makarov, Oct 3, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Vladimir Makarov
  19. Vladimir Makarov
  20. Vladimir Makarov
    Hm... well done, Jaden-boy. I suppose my strategy needs more work than I thought.
    Post by: Vladimir Makarov, Oct 3, 2010 in forum: The Playground