All in favor of a new CoOXIII roleplay, say "Aye."
It's okay. ^^ Thank you. How are you?
That's okay. ^^ Thank you.
I know. D: It's sad.
xD Thank you.
Thank you. ^^ *Hugs*
That's okay. :3 Thank you.
Thank you. ^^
Thanks Jaden. ^^ It was a great one.
i'm in. ^^
Hi. Welcome to KHV.
Hi there. =D
I like that idea. I'll look into it if someone else isn't. EDIT: Never mind. I'm investigating a certain person now.
Glad to hear you're doing okay. ^^ I've been wanting to roleplay. D:
I've been... everywhere. Good, bad, alright. How about you?
I hate it when that happens. :/
Sora gripped the arm of the chair tightly. "I'll tell the mayor. We should do as he says." Sora stood up. "Before you argue, let me say one thing. I know this guy. He's serious when he says that he's going to destroy the island. I know that is well within his skill." He turned to everyone. "He's very dangerous. We really have no choice but to comply." Kairi couldn't believe what she was hearing. Sora was giving up before the fight even began. "Sora... who is this guy?" She asked, staring at him. Sora walked to the doorway. "I'll have to save that story for another day." He walked out the door.
Well, hi there. ^^
What's wrong? *Hugs*