Go have a Gerard Butler movie marathon c:
Shit XD
Really? Lol awesome 8D
I don't... get it ; ;
This ^^^ ._. I'm just choosing to not say anything about it for once.
Lol sweetness
What about you?
Making wedding plans. It's stressful @-@
I am c: I do it for fun. I'm sorry ; ; noo c: I love Jason too much, but if Gerard Butler ever comes up to me some day and asks me to marry him, you can have Jason. Thanks for the help guys. He actually apologized for putting me on the spot last night. That's mean ; ; I'm not that mean :\
I'm good, how are you?
Oh cool. Congratz c:
I hate this question. I know I'm a pessimist. Why do I need a stupid ****ing glass to tell me that?
I didn't even know it was a law.
Dude... :'C See, that's what I'm thinking, but I've found that I don't say accidentally say things when I'm drunk unless I mean them somewhere deep down.
Fuck no! Christ! I just don't know if I should still be his friend or not. Jason doesn't like the idea, and neither do I :c
My dad once got a jury duty case about a guy who was masturbating in public.
I do not, I have no romantic feelings whatsoever for him, and I'm getting married in December to my Jason.
What do you do when your drunk friend confesses their love for you?
Owow, 8 members. I feel special c:
My school is too stoned to go attack the fish.