*runs away* We're probably going to get in trouble for spamming this thread XD
No u won't :=D:
You caught me. jkjk
Av: 4/10 Sig 5/10
Face, Twitter, and Myspace :\
Av: 7/10 Sigs: 7/10
I believe it. Gerard Butler was in it c:
Av: 8/10 Sig: 8/10
[My first kiss went a little like this] Finish it goddammit.
Awe, well you can hang out with us on KHV c:
Av: 10/10 Sig: 8/10 Love all of the colors 8D
Nah, I could get off my butt and go to Jason's concert, but I'm gonna be a baby and not walk. Even if I do have crutches.
Lol, probably. I have a house cat, and then a few cats come into my house to eat c: I have a door flap for them c: It does :/8D:
I love Ireland. I would live there in a heartbeat. And the accents omg.
Cool story bro.
Wait... What? How is this possible? ; ;
Bad. Very bad. Other than the parties, weed, alcohol, and sex.
I twisted my ankle this morning, so I want to stay home.
A stray? It's not that bad I suppose. Kind of. I twisted my ankle this morning. I'm probably being a baby about it, but it hurts, and I...
Yaaay, I'm not the only one. c: