Arm broken, twisted ankle x3
Is one of the coolest members on this site.
Is it a bad idea to go party when you're on crutches?
Sorry 'bout that :\
Thinks I am cool.
is cool.
BLAH bahv;ahfsvdfddskbgi'yh]tryn]utrngor]n I HATE THIS THREAD.
What? periods have nothing to do with this thread XD Lol, this ^^^
Av: 8/10 Sig: 9/10
; ;
Nighty night <3
Omg I can't believe there wasn't any tags on this thread. Believes in Link.
I will probably not remember 70-90% of what happens tonight.
Av: 10/10 Sig 10/10
Av: 10/10 Sig: 10/10
Av: 6/10 c:
Indeed .
Which is why it will be amusing c: