Tanosii is actually more close to funny. And since i forgot before. New areas in old worlds. Agrabah GET READY!
Omosiroi means interesting. Sora says Neku's name is interesting, not funny. Just saying. I assume it works in a similar to PS3'S Eye Pet way. Or similar to Pokemon 3D. What i am most interest at, is Sora free falling. Where is he falling at exactly...? We see a huge town.
Brown printer. Or Brown piece of paper. Or brown cellphone. I have a lot of items next to me XD
Birth.By.Sleep. 2 Of course! Now it makes sense! When they wake up they will be Keyblade masters, hence the reference to BBS! Or! I am completely wrong! XD
What i really find refreshing is that new areas have been added to Traverse Town! We have already seen some of the already visited districts but i wouldn't expect the inclusion of new areas. I wonder if that will be the case with other already explored worlds. Hopefully Agrabah will be expanded as well (oh come on..., Agrabah is always in KH...)
I never talked about differences. Both ways is as weird as hell.
Riku is walking around with a unicorn... -__-; Anyway, i wonder. Will those pets be able to use spells to help the main character? Riku in that vid was in desperate need to heal but i guess without Donald you can't expect from a bat and a unicorn to do the job. God..., it sounds so stupid! "I'm fighting in a dream world evil nightmares using my pony!" XDDD
"Wondernyan"? What are you doing to KH Nomura...? My problem here is that Quasimodo is not a party member. Instead we will have pets! It will take some time to get used to it. BTW, if the TGS image is going to be the cover art then this will be a first since no Disney characters are there.
Ugh.., that bat looks like Kuromori... Riku:"Quick use Heart Stamp on that Dream Eater!" Wait..., that sounds completely wrong O.o
It is weird. Just plain weird. Riku with a unicorn and Sora with a panda. I wonder how Disney feels about this. Replacing their characters with Pokemon.
Huh? Were is that...? All i see is Neku and weird creatures.
The clothes... The bloody colorful clothes.. Michael Gambon was always wearing gray...
Kingdom Hearts goes POKEMON BERSERK! I wonder..., KH badges?! :P
Regarding the holy rope feature, it must be that light kind of rope/line we've sen before on which Sora/Riku glide while fighting. Very interesting!
Sora using a pet. I don't even... Damn you Nomura! Will i have to buy a new console?!
Holy Jesus, what is that?! lol Riku is like "I'm too sexy baby" I do no understand though what the guy from TWEWY is doing in KH!
OMG! YUNA IN HD! I WANT A PS3 NOW! No kidding! There won't be this annoying horrible lip synch! Make a FFX-2 HD edition now!
First time i chose the sword, the second time the wand. It is rather disappointing that magic could as well not exist in the series and still there would not be much of a difference.
You know what is lame? I have never done anything at my b-day all those years. And whenever i tried my friends ignored me. So this is year i went...
You know, as much as i don't find this to be of my interest, i have to admit that it looks gorgeous. And apparently it does have a plot. What really caught my attention though is this: lol