I had no idea that the coast in the realm of darkness had a name before reading this thread lol According to "The Keyhole" wiki And some additional info i find funny/interesting (apparently joining the dark side gets you a tan lol) But to reply to the main question. Sora has to do the dirty work, save everyone. KH III will be a big game, bringing back so many people and battle against ORG. XIII again...
Mourning becomes Electra. I hate it. I think it took me three days to read this play it so dull, everything is so bitter and dark, characters, the settings everything.
Used to watch that show and i keep follow it every once n a while, i just have to sit and watch all the episodes i've missed lol
I've been doing an essay on Neil Gaiman for university. I haven't read anything else by him, aside American Gods, to judge his work but i absolutely love that book and can"t wait for the sequel and the tv series.
Ok apparently in Japan they can't spell Greek. For the record X is pronounced as "he". As you would say 'He is..." Chi/Ki lol no, Kubo, if he's still in here can prove me right if no one believes me lol
Just finished earlier today F. Scott Fitzgerald's Tender is The Night. Quite the emotional ride, i'll miss the characters.
Now can we start the "Darth Vader vs Xehanort" theories? lol Joking aside i don't think it is anything bad, i mean Marvel is the same, nothing changed. As for the new films i can't say i'm excited, it is definitely milking but as long as they true to the Star Wars universe/feeling i'm ok.
Tron Legacy OST (It is amazing!)
Exactly like the previous versions huh? Well, it is Pokemon, don't expect much. Anyway IGN, if that says anything, gave the games a score of 9.6 I really want to get Black 2, haven't yet, but it seems awesome. What bugs me is the whole Genesect/wi fi events that make you get a Pokemon game as soon as it comes out in order not to miss anything.
Nothing interesting aside Litchi De Hikari Club. More time for me to watch old stuff i guess.
Anyone got it yet? Reviews have been really amusing harsh. Still getting it though. I am really curious to see how she does in something different.
Google today is awesome
lol Zubat used fly. I like this better than Sora's.
Pottermore should now be called bothernomore, it has become so... useless and tedious..., new chapters were fun but that was just it, wasn't it?
Ugh..., i am still interested in this but those cut scenes seem so over-dramatic... Vergil looks like as if he came right out of MGS.
Sweet, i was wondering when this place would get rid of vbulletin. Not that i'm active but anyway..., i'll take a look around.
Paranoid Android - Radiohead
Simple and clean :p I really like this.
Mediocre as usual. It could as well just be something that came right out of devianart. Definitely not impressed.