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  1. Ryan Finesse
    "I know they certainly have darkness on there hands. Retrievers are full of it. Theres also that chain girl, whoever the hell she was. If you look back, all they pretty much used was darkness. Darkness, darkness, darkness..." Ryxan said, getting off the stool, popping an oreo into his mouth, and then examining the retrievers outside. "Proves my point. Look how the light is so painful to that new girl."
    Post by: Ryan Finesse, May 25, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Ryan Finesse
    Ryxan portalled to a seat, cracking his neck. That match was no fun...he thought. Well, that finish should set my enemies minds away from trying to cross me again. Those ignorant buffoons. They seriously think that a kid can beat me? He thought, placing his feet on someones head. They tried to move, so he hit them with his feet, knocking them out.
    "Thats better." He mumbled.
    Post by: Ryan Finesse, May 25, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Ryan Finesse
  4. Ryan Finesse
    Ryxan glanced at the fallen Larxene, chuckling also. "Well, Axel, you do burn alot of calories." Ryxan pushed himself around on the stool, spinning around alot, and finally stopped. "I don't make the strategies. Xemnas does. I'm just stating obvious facts that show that we're able to send them back to hell in pieces."
    Post by: Ryan Finesse, May 24, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Ryan Finesse
  6. Ryan Finesse
    "I noticed that, Axel." Ryxan said, crossing his arms, and looking to the side, walking over to the kitchen, while placing an oreo in his mouth. "We could surprise attack them, ambush them. Besides, look how they're at a disadvantage. We get injured, Demyx heals us. We think we can't continue, we fall back into our little protective thingamojiggly." Ryxan sat on a stool next to the table which looks like it would come out of a bar. "They get injured, they feel beaten...where do they go? Nowhere."
    Post by: Ryan Finesse, May 23, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Ryan Finesse
    "Zexion, it is still Demyx's turn. He has a couple of hours left. Then it is Larxene...unless you want Axel to drive really badly...." Xemnas said, throwing the pizza out of the window. A monkey caught it, and started screetching.
    Xemnas bowed his head. "I'm sorry Mr. Chimps for littering."
    Post by: Ryan Finesse, May 23, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Ryan Finesse
    I have nothing to say either.
    Profile Post by Ryan Finesse for Jayn, May 23, 2009
  9. Ryan Finesse
    "Everyone quiet down and just calm down. We'll take turns freaking out. Axel, your turn first." Xemnas said, slipping out a pizza from the refredgerator. He took a bite out of it, split it in half, and tossed it upwards so it could land in his mouth. It just fell on the ground, since he was upside down.
    Post by: Ryan Finesse, May 22, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Ryan Finesse
  11. Ryan Finesse
    I've been...blah. How bout you?
    Profile Post by Ryan Finesse for Jayn, May 22, 2009
  12. Ryan Finesse
    Xemnas floated on the ceiling, crossing his arms. "If we had Lexaeus, we wouldn't be in this mess." He stated. "If we had Vexen, the wheels would be landslide proof. Since we have either, lets just keep on going."
    Post by: Ryan Finesse, May 22, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Ryan Finesse
    Ryxan rolled dice in his hands. Thats the shortest, bloodiest fight this arena ever had, Ryxan thought, sneering. Of course he had to force it out. He walked out of the arena, leaving the chopped up, bloody, electrocuted body sizzling. He walked out of his door, holding a medal.
    Post by: Ryan Finesse, May 22, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Ryan Finesse
    "If you don't sleep, you won't need a recap, hybernating kid." Ryxan said, pointing at Roxas, then at the tv. "See for yourself. Its on every channel. The thing you wanted to get away from if Axel didn't trap you in fire at the grocery store." Ryxan said, standing up. "We have dogs on our front door, straight from hells door mats, we're on every station, and were considered a threat." He walked over to the window. "See for yourself."
    Post by: Ryan Finesse, May 22, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Ryan Finesse
    You are pop tart I'm guessing?
    Profile Post by Ryan Finesse for Jayn, May 22, 2009
  16. Ryan Finesse
    Ryxan pulled out dice out of his pocket. He rolled it on his weapon.
    "First roll! Dice of the sky! Lightning dance!"
    He ran so quickly, if you saw him unfurl his weapon and jump into running, their would be blur of his image as he ran at her full speed, bolts appearing where he stepped, exploding, creating a line of dust, and lightning slammed into the explosions. The lightning moved into a circle, until the lightning formed a cage of bolts, blazing around with dust, fire, and explosions.
    "Second roll! Dice of the underworld! Hells flames!"
    Ryxan appeared in front of Yami, slashing upward, with his weapon now flaming, black and red flames. The scarred body flew upwards from the force quickly. Ryxan boomerang-throwed his weapon at Yami, slashing her more. He then flipped backwards, javelin throwing through her. Yami struck the weapon again, when she flew upwards to the weapon when it was stuck through the wall. The severely cut body landed into the cage of lightning bolts.
    Ryxan blurred quickly while in motion, grabbing the blade that was stuck on the wall. He jumped forward, whisking out of vision again, and dove down, with his weapon. "Third roll. Girl of the earth. Goodbye."
    He stabbed down, flames, explosions, and lightning coming together to perform that fatality.
    Post by: Ryan Finesse, May 20, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Ryan Finesse
    Ryxan eyed himself being beaten by cops. He turned the channel to the cooking channel. "Lets forget about this first. For one thing, we have no problem with humans. Next, we have no problem for anyone to come here. 'Cept that god-guy with the clashy clothes." Ryxan tossed the remote to Demyx. "Thirdly, anyone causes us trouble, we send our little heartless buddies after them. And I mean if they give us embarrrasment worldwide...on tv."
    Post by: Ryan Finesse, May 20, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Ryan Finesse
    Sticky explosive mole....he thought. Barely attacks me. Ryxan glanced up at Yami. He ran to the wall she was on, and spun his weapon, and while it was spinning, charged it with his energy. He slashed it against the wall, and the bolts exploded into a line, splitting through the wall, reaching up to break her feet. He started conjuring a plan. Minefield, huh...lightning.
    Post by: Ryan Finesse, May 20, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Ryan Finesse
    Post by: Ryan Finesse, May 20, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Ryan Finesse


    and E) your post. Owwwwwwwwww my faceeeeeeeeeee chiaw. nioahaaaaaaaaaaaa
    Post by: Ryan Finesse, May 20, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone