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  1. Ryan Finesse
  2. Ryan Finesse
    NO. The correct answer would be for the guy to pay for everything, all accomadations, and such. Since it was the guy who asked the girl, and the girl accepted, then it would make sense that the guy should pay. Not paying, would be like, "Hey, wanna be my girlfriend?"
    "Ok, our first date would be at the movies. You'll pay for your ticket though."

    See where I'm going?
    Post by: Ryan Finesse, Jun 2, 2009 in forum: Discussion
  3. Ryan Finesse
    Well, there were parents, but like one of the first posters said in this thread, its pretty much all about teenagers.
    Post by: Ryan Finesse, Jun 2, 2009 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  4. Ryan Finesse
    Very true. Sora...was naive. Really, it should have been Sora who was the smart one. Donald was the angry one, and goofy was the smart one. Why? It should've been Sora, because Sora's friends don't match the description of smart.
    Kairi...well, damsel in distress needed to be in some part of the story.
    Post by: Ryan Finesse, Jun 2, 2009 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  5. Ryan Finesse
    It helped alot, making it more saddening and believable.
    I really liked that video, also. But the last music wasn't that good...
    Post by: Ryan Finesse, Jun 2, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  6. Ryan Finesse
    1. Roxas
    2. Saix
    3. Xaldin
    I think...I'm not so sure.
    Post by: Ryan Finesse, Jun 2, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  7. Ryan Finesse
    Well, that was interesting, wasn't it?
    Post by: Ryan Finesse, Jun 2, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Ryan Finesse
    "I don't know..." Xemnas said, looking at the police car. "Seems like they're finding out that we're the ones who did those other collisions." Xemnas said, leaning out the window.
    Post by: Ryan Finesse, Jun 2, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Ryan Finesse
    How true...Ryxan thought. "Exactly what I'm saying." Ryxan said, sitting down onto a table, holding his weapon at Llednar. He examined Llednar again.
    The Ryxan clone got off the balcony, and wandered through the castle. It sneaked into Vexen's labratory, and stole more potions.

    Zalia closed her eyes, her senses spanning around the castle, and Twilight town. A heartless was walking towards the castle, with groceries in its hands.
    A chain whiplashed behind it, slicing it in half. Groceries flew everywhere. She sent more chains to infiltrate all the remaining heartless in the area. A heartless was close to stealing a man's heart, but a chain plunged out of the earth, connecting with the heartless's jaw, stabbing it straight through.
    Post by: Ryan Finesse, Jun 2, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Ryan Finesse

    Now tell me. What do you see?
    Thread by: Ryan Finesse, Jun 2, 2009, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Ryan Finesse
    Owned. Owned. Owned.
    Post by: Ryan Finesse, Jun 2, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Ryan Finesse
  13. Ryan Finesse


    NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! I don't.
    Post by: Ryan Finesse, Jun 1, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Ryan Finesse
    My name is ___________
    Post name here -^
    Post by: Ryan Finesse, Jun 1, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Ryan Finesse
  16. Ryan Finesse
  17. Ryan Finesse
  18. Ryan Finesse
    "You're a double agent?" Ryxan's last words were that to Llednar when he passed him.
    He sent a clone to sit on the balcony, while he stood behind Llednar, diagonal to him. His back was turned slightly away from him, his head looking back.

    ooc: Look again he thought of it not say it.
    Post by: Ryan Finesse, Jun 1, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Ryan Finesse
    Zalia walked through the streets, and eventually reached the other retrievers. She cooled down already, and Wolfe, she could see, had other problems... "Whats our status, Wolfe?" She could sense that the same person was on the balcony again.

    Ryxan looked around. How many retrievers were there? There was that clown thats behind us, chain women, that scythe girl, that other guy, the girl with the words... But seventeen of us...
    Ryxan walked past Marluxia. "Don't give yourself up." He whispered. "Please." He walked past Llednar, and reached his balcony. Sitting on the rail, he glanced at the crane that was picking up the helicopter. I don't belong here...he thought.
    Post by: Ryan Finesse, Jun 1, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Ryan Finesse