Dejavu. Oh...Ok....I'm slowly understanding you.
I'm going to pretend like I know what teme means.
Ah! That book! But whats Harem, then?
I'm not that tough.
Mine are too...I turned it off before it could kill me...still, my eyes are effected. edit: I mean the hurting eyes.
Icha...Icha? Huh?
Haha, yeah, I guess you're right.
Xemnas glanced back. "That was my second thought." Xemnas said sarcasticaly, jumping into a seat. "Well, thats all folks. Lets enjoy the ride." Xemnas picked up a magazine for fishing, and then added, "Lets hope."
"The superior is supposed to think up a solution..." Ryxan said. "We are supposed to follow him." Ryxan got off the table. "Right now, it doesn't look like we have much're right...what do we suppose we do?"
Thats it? Well I like it.
ooc: Just read back. You didn't miss anything. Just read on the page your on.
I didn't see Sasuke and think he was a girl. But Deidara, man...whoa! I thought he was a girl.
"Not sure we follow, savage nymph." Xemnas said, still examining which member to throw out the window. He was debating between Axel and Larxene.
"We could...cause a diversion...." Xemnas thought out loud. "Ok. Now which one of us is worthless?" Xemnas said, crossing his arms, looking around.
"Not sure I understand, Axel." Ryxan said, crossing his arms. Ryxan clone portalled to the clock tower. The clone leaned against it, all emotions pouring towards the real Ryxan. The real Ryxan closed his eyes. I don't belong here... This is just some cheap joke, right? Like they have in movies... Pain, blah blah blah... The endless twilight spanned across the island, and the sound of sirens sounded the air.
I don't hate any of them. But I can say that the most unpopular, is Xaldin, Lexaeus, and Vexen.
I will not.
sasuke makes things go kaboom to, with lightning like attacks, he has this blade that he waves around, one second your slashed all over.
No! Sasuke so totally owns everyone with his glow in the dark eyes.
Yeah, I guess so...