xomg thank yous, my mom ALWAYS goes 'what the heck is that?' or 'thats kiddie porn' -.- I HATE her rambiling. thanks Sara
hi roxasnoxas, hey peoples...
ooc: fine...-.- i just really am annoyed at him... i mean...who goes to a park before surgery and is fine...?
ooc: you can't fly or jump or whatever in a flash to get over there...and i don't think he was calling you on a cell phone... bic: Christian put the swords behind his hood, lifted it, and dropped it, "Nicole...who is that?" he said
ooc: ROKA, was at the hospital, YOU were at the park...
oh...go to tokyopop.com and find CoM...you'll see her drawing style...
Christian heard the commotion, his katana came to his hand, bankai zanpakto in the other, "get off of her." I said. ooc *sigh* im guessing tacole used his psycic/mental powers to kill the guy in black?-.- firstly, you can't jump from the hospital to the park...secondly...NO mental powers...*goes to change rules*
trinity's is a manga, khchick 101's red kairi is in the back of kh1's instruction booklet...
that shiro amano's drawing style...shes the author of the manga kingdom hearts, kh:CoM, and KH II
"Everyone knows, im in over my head, over my head" he sang loudly
"I guess I'd better get home...or I'll go to the park or something...Later Jules," I said to Jules as I got in my car, and got out my CD player, and I got out my 'The Fray' CD, and went to the park, I layed down on the tallest hill, and sang 'over my head.'
Riku sighed, "fine -.-" he said
Roxas Please!!!!
Christian called Jules, "Is everything OK?" he asked.
"umm...I'll go see what Demyx is doing...PINK UNDERWEAR! =D" he said running out
Riku punched Xigbar, "stop laughing." said he
"OK, and thanks, Sai'x," he said, "I need to get away from Kairi..." he whispered, a little loud so only Sai'x could hear, "Man...I'm bushed..."
"bolo--bo-- that b sauce..." he said in a confused way.
ooc: talk about commitment...XD lol
"ummm....spaghetti?"he asked confused, "oh, are they sauces?"