i know...i wanna make...o.o''!im gonna make a tag...if ANYONE wants to help make one, (make your own) make an American honor tag please
in SC, 9 firemen died, being crushed by the rooftop, and then burned to death, please pray for their families, and if you ARE one of their relatives, im so very sorry that this happened, thank you, iC
yo, I gotta go...
its too personal...sorry...
it's Ichigo-kun.... hey khchick...man, iP is really sad about...something.
hi peoples!!! I know the truth...she was falsly accused...
i have MSN...
I glared at the man in black, "you wanna train on this guy?" I asked Nicole.
what eva...
(about Namine_of_kh2? i think so XD) ->keyblader<- yeah, its 60 american bucks...
I said it WONT be...ill make it the best i can though... you want blue with sora on it? you want text?
the orgy membaz in fm+ are data...and the others were probably flashbacks/memories...
damn you rock at these!!
you want me to make an avi for ya? its not gonna be PS material ya know...
dammit...when will come out in America? theyre uploadin tokyopop's new site and i cant get on... oop, now i know, im gonna ask for it for meh b-day...its july 5th!! : D
TWTNW because it has higher leveled foes, and its a bit longer AND because ive always the nobodies were stronger than heartless...
O,O'' oh yeah, wouldn't they get, like promoted or something for collecting more hearts? like shadow>soldier> and so on...
well, I would, if youre in america/europe, just wait for the fall, because it could come out, wikipedia is usually right...but if not, TO PLAY-ASIA/YES-ASIA! :rockdover:
I think Vincent owuld be in the next kingdom hearts, it would keep the heat between Sephiroth and Cloud, because, like Knight Lord Xiron said, Vincent resembles a lot of Cloud, it would be nice to have him in the KH III
Nomura probrably just didnt want us playing as any other heartless... :guns: i hate him -.-