"Look again, that's al you need." I said pointing to the blade on the other side, "Now, let's go find him." I said walking to my guitar, then to my car.
"Well, let's get started, focus energy, and cut that oak tree down, let's see how deep a cut you can do," I said as I sliced through the ones next to it.
"well then, apparently youve been practicing on your own, have you? If you have, can you show me what you've got?" I said in an eager voice.
"I've been ready," I said jumping down and summoning my new black zan-pak-to`
"OK!" I said jumping to the branch next to hers from the ground, "when do you want to start your murder training?" I laughed.
"hey!" I said waving to Nicole.
"aww, come on, you didnt hear it?"I yelled as it echoed throughout the whole park
"Cool, I'll go say hi!" I said replied, "Thanks Mrs. -----!"(I dunno the last name xD) I said getting in my car and going to the park, I felt like playing my guitar on a hill, so I got my guitar, and played "If everyone cared" by NickelBack, hoping Nicole would hear it.
"I guess I'd better get outta here," I said hurredlly, I drove to Nicole's grandparents' house, I knocked on the door, "Is Nicole there?" I asked her grandmother.
who likes my new one? CnC please
Jazz ...duh.
Sai'x... you will, just wait....
cant think of it...
not yet...
...sorry, I just am hated right now by a good amount of people...
cuz I am...its my personality...dark and bland, tasteless.
hi...emo as ever.