Objection! ;_;
Hello there! ^^ Welcome to KHV! :D Be a good little member and follow the rules, okay? ^_~ I'm Dandersnuff, the weirdo fangirl ;P If you have any questions or anything, just ask me :3 see you around! ^^
thanks. Could use it o__o I think I just grew an icecube addiction O___O
=,...........,= I thought so... Eating icecubes sure are tiring <_<* I'm off! Nighty-nooOOooose! :'O *goofy from being tired* <_<* bai x'3
that's how the cookie crumbles =,....,= objections...? <,....,<*
*munch munch* my pretties!<3 ;_; *munch*
From Katekyo hitman reborn ^^ I'm not really a fan of her, since she's so mean to Gokudera, but I love her outfits!<3 ^^ But, again, I have time...
Well, I have soome time so I haven't really decided....But I'm thinking about Bianchi ^^
Weeell, right now my life is pretty eventless, yeah x'D And as for being okay.... ...O_O *clears throat* yeah, eventless. Very. I'm planning on...
Wait, Tim Burton is making an Alice in wonderland? O___O YAY! <3 That will be soo great! :'3
yeah, that's why I put it in the freezer <3 Aaaand I kind of forgot it .______. so it was there the whole night! And the next morning when I...
oOOOOooOOoh, I loove freezing ice tea! : O But all I really have now is this reeeally gross juice, and this yoghurt which I already froze....
...and now I'm out of icecubes...! T________________T *sob* o_o ... O_O brb. *runs off to the kitchen to make more* back O_O I just figured I...
Yeah. OWwww! x'O I chewed on my tongue T___T didn't notice at first O__O creepy.... *munch munch*
... you know... ...I have no idea O____O and yet I keep eating them! :O My tongue is like hanging over my lower lip now. bleeeeeeh.
...And you just drove me crazy .____.* ...I clicked the "DO NOT CLICK" thingy....T_T I always doo...
Eating icecubes o___o I've eaten too many, I think. My tongue has gone numb.
phew! x'D heheh, fangirling can be a difficult thing, at times ;3 wazzap? : D
*GASP* y-y-y-you stopped counting! O__O *GASP* so did I! ;_;
17 ._. I fail at being evil ;_;