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  1. Dandersnuff
    Profile Post

    arrgh, me too <3 :'3

    arrgh, me too <3 :'3
    Profile Post by Dandersnuff for Scattered_Dream, Mar 11, 2009
  2. Dandersnuff
  3. Dandersnuff
  4. Dandersnuff
  5. Dandersnuff
  6. Dandersnuff
    Somehow, I just knew you were going to be the first to post in this thread.
    How strange! :O
    Post by: Dandersnuff, Mar 10, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Dandersnuff
  8. Dandersnuff
  9. Dandersnuff
  10. Dandersnuff
  11. Dandersnuff
  12. Dandersnuff
  13. Dandersnuff
  14. Dandersnuff
  15. Dandersnuff
    ooh, yes! <3 ^_______^
    makes me feel all warm and fuzzy... :3

    ...and kind of almighty o___o
    Post by: Dandersnuff, Mar 10, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Dandersnuff
  17. Dandersnuff
  18. Dandersnuff


    You're right! :O
    I've done that too, but the only thing that actually happens is that people gives you meanieface glares ;_;

    TT___TT Let's face it.
    we've been lied to by Walt Disney.
    ...I never thought I'd live to see the day when that actually happend ._.
    Post by: Dandersnuff, Mar 10, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Dandersnuff
    Easy : )
    First, you have to have a picture that you would like to equipp as an avatar, of course.
    When you have that, select "User CP" at the upper half of the screen in the menu thingy.
    Then, select "settings and options" or something, and select "edit avatar".

    Then select "use custom avatar" and then "choose file". Then you simply select the file that you want to use as your avatar and then select "upload".

    as easy as that ;P
    Post by: Dandersnuff, Mar 10, 2009 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  20. Dandersnuff

    um... hi!

    You make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside<3 ^^
    Post by: Dandersnuff, Mar 10, 2009 in forum: Introductions & Departures