Yeah x'D Mikami is worse, though .___. He would look really good if he didn't make that scary Kira face ;__;
Yeah, me too :O He's really sweet when he's normal :3 But Kira is just...Creepy...x'3
Nah. Then this forum would be boring. ...And people would frown upon for my previous post about hard and loose poo... ;__; Loooose...
The first one. ...Duh .__. Would YOU rather eat HARD poo... :O ...or loose poo :3
Sheesh. Would people please stop loving eachother? <__<*
eeeh... x'D when I first registered on this site, my thoughts were; "Hmm...Something no one has. That'll have to be something very weird and random." And yeah, Dandersnuff is both weird and random .___. But this isn't the first time I use it x'D I usually call myself Dandersnuff on the internet <__<'
I'm so joining this... ;__;*
I don't think you should have sex before you're married. And then, of course, with the person you're married with. No, really. .__.
Well, actually.. x'D My sis really doesn't like Cloud in any way... <__< Partly because she thinks he's boring, and mainly because she's a Sephiroth fangirl x'D So she hates him for killing him... <__< Twice. ...Or was it trice...?
~Bow-chica-bow-whow .__.
you're welcome x'D luv Konata<3 *__*
It was so sad when Light got all his memory of the death note back : ( You saw the difference riight away! His eyes went like from ^__^ to =__= ....
Hey there ^_______^ Welcome to KHV :3 Be sure to follow the rules, be nice, don't doublepost and blahblahblah <__<* I'm Dandersnuff, the weirdo fangirl =__= PM me if you have any questions...Or just are plain bored.. x'3 See you around!<3
Yeah ^^ If you're just running around and lvling, the music in the area get's sorta boring after a while...Then it's nice with some change of music :3 ...Especially if you're playing space paranoids... <__<*
Ugh >_< And here I thought I would actually manage to forget about that episode and live on peacefully. But ooooh no. Dead wrong. =____=*
The tennis match still sorta creeps me out somehow. O___O ...No idea why... =__=
....Is.... ...Is that thing made out of müsli? .__.
...xD I think Repliku kinda has a point, too.... But still, she was really pretty, and he hardly looked at her at all : o ...Seems kinda gay to me.. x'D but yeah, I wonder what it would be like if Light actually fell in love with someone..;P
Drew what? : o I don't see any pictures... : I EDIT: Oh, sorry x'D My computer is sooo slow >_< I see the links now... ...Gimme a moment to watch 'em.. x'D ..sorry, sorry... [EDIT...x2]... <__< They're really pretty ^^ Simple, but pretty : 3 I like the first one better, I think...The colors are really nice ^^
I'm so joining this! >__< yay!<3