Lol Haley loves those Nestea's [sp?] And the chocolate milk that your sister wanted to put stuff in =]
Thats pretty much what I meant. I'm a competitive dancer. For awards =]
Hahaha. Funny xD
I think I know who you are talking about? You were friends with her in 6th grade, and then she did something bad, and your mad? Am I right? (I don't wanna say names)
Piano Man - Billy Joel <3
I think it is, because I don't consider rap to be hip-hop. I just think rap is rhyming to a beat about strippers..
It's sold in America, but I wouldn't get it. See the "Ready for the DSi?" post.
LOL wow I just forgot you were Haley. lol xD and thanks, I hate it when people say its not a sport Dx
Ohhhhhhhh, you took it with your cell. Disregard my comment then. I like the perspective and the colors.
Well, if they want. I think the guy should be the gentlemen though, and at least offer to pay. If the girl wants to, I guess she could.
Laplace, Ritsuka, no-reality_allowed Those are my favorites, I love the editing on a lot of them though.
My sister has it. It's barely a DS anymore though. It can go on the internet, download games, ect. Playing games, which is the main reason why there are game consoles in this world, is just a small option. My sister barely ever plays games. ...If that made any sense..
??? Do you think so? I do...
I know this is old, but I love it! I prefer the first one over the second, though. :D
You take some really nice pictures, I love looking at your photography. xD The only thing is the first one is a bit dark, but thats alright. The rest are great =]
Woops. My bad. I'm still learning..
This came out really good~!
I agree with this.
i don't love the result, quite honestly. its kinda messy and i don't like the text so much.
thats really helpful to anyone who is a begginer to photoshop. my friend is getting ps and i'll definately show this to her!!