Say nothing....just eat it.
I managed to give myself a giant scratch on my leg with my fingernail. It's like 5 inches long.
I agree. But we bow down to you anyways.
I like brown sugar sometimes, but I made this face mask with brown sugar and milk, and it was so gross, it was such a strong smell.
I did in New Moon when Edward left. I'm quite embaressed about that now though, since I don't like the series anymore.
Is your name Shaniqua then?
I'm a pro, but I'm not a pro ballerina. I do, like, everything else though lol (but not ballroom)
It's your name too!
Those are my favorite kind of poptarts ever. I am the marshmellow, my friend is the chocolate, and my dance teacher is the graham crackers. Idk, it's just this thing we do, lol xD
What a great name! It's like the best name ever. Wow =D
But my sister and I still have GBA games that we play, but my sister can't play it anymore. Completely changing the subject, but if you want to get the DSi, I would trade in your old DS to Game Stop. $70 for a DSLite $50 for a regular DS
Grace Kelly - Mika
I love safari's... Great pictures! A giraffe once stuck its head the sunroof of my dad's car. I think my mom has the pictures. I'll have to find random story xD
I agree with you so much!! The main point of a game console is to play games, so why add internet and cameras and all that junk? We can do it on our computers and cameras.
I like it!!! I just don't love the font, it doesn't fit with the image.
I really want to do pointe but my dance studio doesn't offer it yet. The might in a few years though.
I'm thinking this is a trick question and the answer is like Chuck Norris or something. But I'll say deal.
That's pointe. Ballet is hard though, its very technical.
That's beautiful. I'm sorry about your loss.