Until my birthday!
I still call them by their names. Like Repliku said, I would say "Grandma loved to sing" and not "Grandma loves to sing" "Michael Jackson was a legend" and not "Michael Jackson is a legend"
Thats sad. You burst out laughing too!
LMFAO! We were playing A-Z TV shows, and it came up to the letter M and Haley says "Meerkat Manor" So I asked "Do you watch that show?" and Haley said yes, but it is boring. It doesn't seem funny but it was funny. ...Just that they made a show about meerkats..
Sure thing. [edit] Eeeww! It looked fine on photoshop!
I hate poptarts with a passion. I am 7 feet tall. My cat just evolved into a banana. I ate my banana/cat. I'm not responding to this thread.
We must tell the story about Meerkat Manor!
I'm seeing the movie today. I'm reading the book after.
Does Julianna still love Avril Lavigne?
I remember that My WiiFit age is 13.
I like the first 3, and the last one. Good job with theses!
Aww! Meliea is a really pretty name!! <33
I was going to be named Bradley if I were a boy. But a few weeks before I was born, my mom's friend named her son Bradley, so it was changed to Brett.
I just bough the book and I want to know what you guys think of it (if you've read it...)
YAY US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We are probably the last ones to get out of school except for the elementary school kids =] I don't count tomorrow as a day of school ..
Not if you post it in the literature forum.. I'd probably read it, even if it was in the Spam Zone.
I was born on July 1st, and I came on July 1st...
Yep...It is.
I don't have gamecube or the controllers for it.
^Thanks. Fixed ^____^