There is...
I'm guessing her 'boyfriend' is like 3 years old..
But they aren't Spanish. They just speak it.
I hate her so much.....She is just annoying..
33577! Wow.
Hello! ^_^ I'm poptart aka Haley =] Welcome to KHV B]
Parawhore is Haley too....Now you know two Haley's =]
I saw it... It was really good but at the same time it was sad and confusing...
I think less people will do it if it's legal because I think a majority of people are only doing it because it's illegal...
Lol oh dear... Let's hear it
Eww =[ That sux. I'll get a smaller pic
Thank you. Let's fix the 'problem' I'm Haley =]
Yes, yes..... B]
This is beautiful. I love the headband, especially. I hope you get an A+ 3D
I remember you too, Rissy ^_^
That was a proud moment...
I'm supersticious to an extent. I mean, like I don't avoid stepping on cracks in the sidewalk but I fear Friday the 13th's and I hate it. I wish I wasn't as supersticious as I was.
Stop changing your username you are confusing me!!!! =]
Are you proud of me that I'm on?
You said you saw it once lol xD