This is really nice I love the colouring!! Critiques: - Disappear is spelled wrong - I don't love the font you used - The blue butterfly on the sig is is multicoloured But great job it's really nice!
The power of voodoo!! You doooo you doooo!!! lol I can't believe you remember that song lol.
I commented it.
While you nonchalantly drink your..
I'm going to have to say Gaston. ;_;
Eat shoes and..
Ok =] Thankss
I did that?
Which is also next to Dunkin Donuts
Sooooo...What's going on here? Anyone gone to the beach or anything lately?
Don't kill me!! I was born before you Haley!!
I think it was called Stardust? It was kinda odd..
Which explains the taste
I read the rules but I don't know what necrobumping is...
Great job Hales!!
What is on the tombstone of Benedict Arnold? Words Who owns the South Sandwich Islands? America How did Al Capone die? A painful death What was the name of the first submarine to sink another ship? The SS Something The horror film Primeval was based on what kind of creature? Monster What is the only major trophy to have the names of players and coaches engraved on it? Stanley Cup. That's the only one I knew. Which country capital city is Ouagadougou? Zimbabwe? In which sport would you find a coxswain? A sport.... I made all those up except for the Stanley Cup one =]
I had to use a scroll bar on the bottom to look at that. =P
Awww, cute... I don't know how to put this but these are just careless pictures, they aren't very crafty. I'm sorry, I don't mean to sound rude..
I just love cats.... Very cute pictures, blurry though...