VAT pick up Riku's and Sora's keyblades, that's clear enough, but who's is the third keyblade, Mickey's? I've been away fron Kingdom Hearts in a while :P
Not sure, just usually works like that aha. And we get 358/2 days in September, Argos are going to stock it. When do America get it then?
Dude that was awesome! It cleared I'm some areas but confused a little in more, I'm desperate to get the game now! Luckily Argos will hav it in the UK late September :D
Well, maybe they are beings created only from peoples memories, like Xion, as someone earlier said. Although that still wouldn't explain the name 'unbirth'. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
I don't see why you'd want to re-play the 6 days of Roxas again though. I found it boring enough, just the last day was good cause you fight Axel, and even that's easy.
That's pretty sweet. Would've been better if you could've got the Roxas with two keyblades though :P
Ahhh, that explains it all. I thought there was only 1, it was so confusing haha.
I haven't played the game, but I don't think they will. I mean straight away the first thing you've stated could cause problems, as we all know Riku wins that battle. Unless you fought and win the battle, and then Riku releases the darkness, as he does, and that bit is all cutscenes.
Hmm, not sure, does it work if you try to sign in from a different location?
Awesome colouring dude, I really like the second one :)
My first question: What is Twilight town? I thought it was a world created with data, by Diz a.k.a Ansem. But if that's so, how did the Organisation get hold of a card that allowed Sora and Riku to go there in Castle Oblivion? Another thing, if the world is created by data, does that mean Hayner, Pence and Olette never existed? Also, regarding Hayner, Pence and Olette, how comes they never sort of seemed surprised to see Roxas. I mean, unless Roxas knew them while he was in the organisation how comes with his new personailty, he's suddenly just best friends with them. Surely they'd wonder who he is? Also, they don't seem surprised / upset when Sora meets them after Roxas 'disappears'? Thanks :)
Hmm, I guess that theory could work, going by what Xehanorts heartless said. Although I actually have no information on the unbirths as of yet so I wouldn't know.
Haha yeah you only got like 5 cards. Also, with Sora, I had my cards in a particular order, with lowest values first going up to highest. Riku's is just completely scrambled.
To be honest I don't really even remember what it is!
Uhh, it's a weird concept. There's too much effect covering the focal, and it looks flat, no depth to it. It also doesn't have a great deal to it. Some simple tags work but this just doesn't do it with me.
It's nice stuff, but it all lacks a lot, in terms of effects and depth. Very basic concepts aswell. GIMP is a nice programme but I suggest getting Photoshop if you're going to get serious with artwork.
Seriously? She should be hung.
It's not a bad idea. Although, it would be really hard, and you'd run out of ideas pretty quickly.
Welcome to the forum, who doesn't like apples? Haha.
I do tend to skim over words, but that's only because I read quite fast. For example, I learn something new every time I play a KH game, because I just rush through.