I don't think it's like Sora, Donald and Goofy where 1 is magic, keyblade, and defence. They're all keyblade users so I think they will all have magic, just different thing they can use it for.
It's so many false points in there...
I can see what you mean, but what would happen if they were to meet? Would they merge and become human again?
Could you please explain what you mean by Terra's forms in his keyblade?
Actually I don't think he'll be that powerful, as at one point Master Xehanort knocks him flying and Terra has to stick up for him. However, I can see Aqua being the most powerful as she's mysterious and we've yet got little information on her. She's barely in any of the trailers or anything either.
Definitely, it's an awesome thing and it's been in KH1 and KH2, I can't see them removing it, especially as they will have to rid of drive.
Hmm, then why do you visit it in the first place? And the King and Pete being there must mean something? Even if it isn't something obvious?
Yeah, drive was only for Sora because of the magic garments, but I reckon they'll get something sweet to replace it :P But Roxas not having it wouldn't effect Ven through what we know about them both so far.
Well, we have no idea how old that black and white world is, with Pete and Mickey. I don't remember the world's name, I think it's the world of the cornerstone, or whatever it is.
Yes, it's in KH2, Donald and Goofy explain the trouble he's caused and how the King banished him. It's after Twilight Town, outside Yen Sid's castle.
I doubt it's Pete because Donald and Goofy state 'he's been causing trouble for ages' and something about him being banished by the king.
To be honest, that would make the story a lot for interesting, for me anyway :D
I know what you mean by that spoiler, but if that's so, why can Sora only duel wield when he is in his 'special forms'? And to be fair that's only because of the magical garments, it's not his ability?
William, did you read the whole post? It's a theory with a LOT of holes in it but it still could work. I mean still nobody knows what 'erase me' means, so there's a lot of possibilitys.
Well, I'm not aware of how Xehanort became a heartless ( Ansem ) but what I do know is, his heartless is still his human form right, it's still Xehanort, just filled with darkness? Well, wouldn't that mean that Xehanorts Nobody ( Xemnas ) existed at the same time, hence, contradicting his reality. I mean, two humans, but the same person? Meh maybe I'm thinking too much.
I don't think it will be that big. All it is, is that Ansem realises his mistake and orders his apprentices to destroy all the research, whereas instead, Xehanort steals it, and continues it. What I do want to know though is whether Xehanort did the research to himself, or if the other 5 do the research to him, because I never found out how he became a heartless + nobody in the first place.
Haha I just realised what I typed. What I mean is, this is a good point. Roxas could actually be Ven. You may think I'm falling for an obvious trap or whatever. But what I mean is, Roxas is the only nobody not to look like their original self. He also remembers nothing of his memories as a somebody. Maybe "erase me" has something to do with it. The only problem is the time gap. As far as we know he's Sora's nobody so he would have appeared in Twilight town at the end of KH1. Whereas BBS is set 10 years before so that pretty much means I'm kind of contradicting myself. Ahhhh confusion!!!
All of his apprentices betrayed him and continued with Xehanort...
Actually that's a very good point, as Sora's nobody is the only nobody to not look like their somebody.
Well, if you look at this. Look at the eyes on all four pictures. Terra, end of secret ending. I know it's hard to see but still, bear with me: Second, Xehanorts heatrless a.k.a Ansem: Now Xehanorts Nobody a.k.a Xemnas: Lastly, Master Xehanort: Now there must be some sort of connection, whether it be the darkness that flows through them or whatever.