jecht looked up at a wall of targets he picked a mid-classed one and walked out "hmmm i wonder where i should start looking"
jecht slid down his back to his head when he saw lumaria and kevin "hey what are you doing" he roared as he shot a ball of aura at each of them
ooc okay whats happening?
takeshi watched them with blaziken "geeze maybe i shoulda been kinder" he muttered lonely his blaziken then shot fire on his hind end "OWOWOWOWOW HOT HOT" he yelled as he ran towards thme smacking his butt to try to put it out
ooc azure is right so im allowing it bic jecht shot up towards him using aura to keep him up he landed on the dragons back and began to smack his back with his sword "come on turn back" he roared
Username: Neojecht Name: Takeshi wyvren Age: 17 Appearance: Personality: cold distant but with eyes full of pain Gender: male Bio: not much is know about him except he's been alone since he was young and tends to either kill or wound anyone who he meets Weapon (optional): katana Preview Post: takeshi walked down an alley way with his hand on his katana he looked ahead and saw his way blocked he glanced back to also see it was blocked he then grabbed his katana and shot forward killing everyone blood landing on his face he seathed his sword and walked on Other: he wants a friend
ooc okay now your in bic jecht looked down on the dragon drawing his buster sword eyes glowing "time to work" he muttered as his sword swirled with energy he lept down and saw a girl "who are you?"
takashi rolled over on his bed drifting into his sleep in his dream he stood up and turned around to see the acadamy completely destroyed "wha what the?" he stammered then he saw someone walking from the ruins of it it was him he shot up sweat pouring from him "ugh no more soda before bed" he muttered before going back to sleep
um i guess that their okay but ive seen much better from darth madiline
sundays: homework mondays: well mondays Tuesdays: my life wensday: my friends thursday: my drums friday: either that my friends cant hang out or that my friends x-box 360 wont let us play on x-box live saturday: chores and thats my week
jecht was running back to the city when he saw the girl from earlier getting chased by wolves "geeze" he ran over drawing his larger sword at struck the wolves with the blunt edge "hey are you okay" he asked her
re read the rules daxma your in
jecht grabbed a red hoody out of his pack he put it on before taking off towards town
jecht ran back to his training ground at inhuman speeds "why now?" he asked himself
jecht growled as he sensed the new aura approace "aaaaahhhh would you all just leave me alone" he roared as he ran away forgetting his shirt
Jechts eyes widdened "yeah i have it" he said he gripped his right hand
jecht looked at him wearly he didnt put his sword down but examined his aura his eyes glowing "i sense no mistrust from you" he lowered his sword
Jecht sensed kuroh and turned drawing his sword in its larger for slicing through trees that fell towards him "WHO ARE YOU?" he asked
dude again my eyes are bleeding im currently being rushed to the hospitle aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh .....what?
jecht was taken aback "um i look like who?" he asked confused there couldnt be that many people out there with crimson hair and eyes....could there?