jecht walked around his wounds and loss of blood starting to blur his vision he came across jessica and kohuro "help" was all he managed before collapsing
jecht stood up "well ive got places to go and a bounty to collect if you ever need me talk to the owner of the orphange on apple street" he said walking up
ooc can we quit spamming and get back to the story
ooc oh great just great
jecht looked at her a firmness in his look "i i had a friend who committed suicide here ..................... and i could've stopped him"
ooc whats happening
ooc sorry manga im reading has a ton of that sorry was in the mindframe bic jecht roared in angry and pain "stop if you unleash the insignia again you'll kill us both!" he warned punching him
"take this then" he roared raising his hand and grabbed kevins arm and ripped it off ooc i just need to really hurt them i dont plan on killing them ..........yet
ooc heck no i wont let you im annoying like that bic jecht grabbed her hand and pulled her back "heck no im not letting you do that"
jecht roared as the tree began to grab him he then released a ton of aura destroying everything around him he then shot towards lumaria "dragon claw" he roared slashing at him
jecht sighed again "but whats the point" he asked "it never lasts just go find a perpose"
jecht grabbed his head and ripped him off throwing him to the ground he grabbed his throat "how dare you threaten me you worthless piece of trash" he roared a ball of aura appeared in his hand as he readied to hit him with it
jecht sighed "dont jump .....its not worth it trust me" he walked forward looking down "besides a fall from here wont kill you only break your legs" he looked at her showing his crimson eyes
he grinned "names jecht im a sweeper whats yours" he asked curious
jechts eyes burst open shuddenly cold he back flipped dodgeing the vines not even drawing his sword he shot forward his hands claws he slashed at the kevins chest drawing blood and he began to smile at it
jecht reached the top when he saw somebody standing there "hey whats up?" he called ooc this will work
jecht looked back at the dragon then back at the brothers "so time only way" he muttered and he undid the clasp on his right hand reaviling temporarly an insignia that looked like a eye with a scar on it that is til a huge amount of energy burst from it jecht turned in mid air shooting towards the dragon punching it in the jaw with enough force to knock it down then turned blasting the brothers with a huge amount of energy before closing the clamp and falling from exhaustion ooc my rp its okay
Jecht glanced down at his thing as he climbed up a fire escape to a roof ooc are train and eve in a city?
jecht flipped over the dragon heading for them "so i take it yo have the villian gene" he charged them with the sword
jecht dodged the claw leaping down by the eye his right hand began to glow red as he punched him "idiot controll you rage!"