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  1. NeoJecht
    takeshi flipped the wolf off of him reading his blade
    "im a dog lover but if you get im my way i will kill you" he said
    Post by: NeoJecht, May 13, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. NeoJecht
    takeshi turned a corner to see a wolf?
    confused he just ran past it farther down the hall way
    "gotta get out" he kept repeating
    Post by: NeoJecht, May 13, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. NeoJecht
    Takeshi ran down the hallway slicing down guards that got to close to him
    "outta my way" he roared
    he ran past others ignoring their calls for help
    "there is no way im staying here anylonger" he muttered
    Post by: NeoJecht, May 13, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. NeoJecht
    takeshi walked over to the guard as he came back
    "hey come here i wanna show you something" he said
    the guard eyed him then walked over
    takeshi grinned raising his stick and sending the blade through the guards stomach
    "what do you think pretty cool huh" he taunted as he sliced his way to the hallway making a run for it

    ooc i know im not gonna make it outta this fine
    Post by: NeoJecht, May 13, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. NeoJecht
    Takeshi leaned up against the wall in the room he was in glancing at the guard who had walked away he pulled out a stick barely a foot long and pushed his aura into it creating a short blade from the tip of it
    "i will be free" he muttered putting it away
    Post by: NeoJecht, May 13, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. NeoJecht
    ooc okay i edited it i thought it was how the weapon looks when used srry
    Post by: NeoJecht, May 12, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. NeoJecht
    Username: NeoJecht
    Character Name (Last, first): Hiro; Takeshi
    Age: 16
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    *Bio: He can still remember when his parents were killed by the guard during the cleansing and has been rebeliose ever since gaining scars all over his body from 'disiplinary'
    Personality: distant kinda cold closed up
    *Weapon [Appearance]:just a short stick
    *Weapon [Function]: he can chanel aura through objects to make weapons out of anything
    Gift: Elemental gift (Aura)
    Post by: NeoJecht, May 12, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. NeoJecht
    is it to late to join?
    Post by: NeoJecht, May 11, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. NeoJecht
    O.o no cake *faints*
    oh crap hey sarah ill just take him out back for a moment
    *lifts him up and carries him out*
    Post by: NeoJecht, Apr 22, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. NeoJecht
    heh yeah i know
    *throws a cake at azure flame*
    Post by: NeoJecht, Apr 22, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. NeoJecht
    hey there happy birthday sarah
    Post by: NeoJecht, Apr 22, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. NeoJecht
    prequal i want a prequal it would be so cool to play as Jecht
    Post by: NeoJecht, Apr 9, 2009 in forum: Gaming
  13. NeoJecht
  14. NeoJecht
    okay this is a storyline for manga im going to start doing sometime and i want some feedback
    be kind
    flamers will be put out by blasteroids

    As the sun shone down Natalie (okay honesty time I haven’t thought of a last name I really like any ideas guys?) ran down the street she was going to be late for school again if she didn’t hurry.
    “Stupid alarm clock†she muttered.
    As she rounded a corner and she ran into someone falling down.
    ‘Ow’ she thought
    “Are you okay?†said a voice.
    She opened her eyes to see a boy about her age looking down at her hand extended towards her. He had midnight black hair that she couldn’t tell if it was naturally like that or if he styled it that way, he had blue eyes, and wore a black school uniform with I unbuttoned revealing a red t-shirt underneath it, but that’s not what drew her eyes.
    It was his aura.
    For a long as she could remember she had been able to see people’s aura with them ranging from blue as the most common to black for total jerks, but his aura was unique from any she had ever seen before a strange color.
    It was crimson red.
    She took his hand smiling.
    “Thank you.†She said.
    “No problem I’m Takashi†he said
    “I’m Natalie.†She said looking at her watch.
    “Oh NO I’m going to be late†she cried running off.
    Takashi watched her running off he eyes narrowing turning a deep crimson, before running after her towards the school.


    Natalie ran into the room just as the bell rang.
    “I GASP made GASP it†she wheezed out.
    “Nice for you to join us miss (I still need a last name help please!!) please take your seat.†Said the teacher.
    She sat down sheepishly.
    “Now then students I’d like to introduce you to a new transfer student from America.â€
    Said the teacher.
    Murmurs suddenly ripped through the classroom a new student halfway through the year?
    The door slid open and Takashi walked in.
    “Hey I’m Takashi Wyvern, I’m 17, and I hope I get to know you†he said with a grin
    “okay takeshi please take your seat by the window next to miss (seriously guys need a last name for Natalie any ideas?)†said the teacher.
    Takeshi walked over and sat down smiling at Natalie.
    “Hey there so were in the same class together cool huh†he said chuckling.
    She blushed slightly “um yeah I guess so†she said
    She then noticed all the other girls in the room staring daggers at her, and she didn’t have to read their aura to know what they were thinking.
    She was going to get it later.


    Natalie sat down at her lunch table opening her lunch box when there was a great movement around her, she sweat-dropped as she saw a lot of girls from her class sitting around her glaring at her.
    “how do you know Takeshi-kun?â€
    “are you two dating?â€
    “how long have you known him?â€
    “why didn’t you tell us?â€
    She sweat dropped again at the onslaught of questions.
    “I just met him this morning on the way to school!†she said flustered
    All the girls started squalling as they discussed plans to get to know takeshi.
    She then looked around looking for takeshi and realized he wasn’t in the cafeteria, so she packed up her lunch back up and walked away from the continuingly squalling girls and walked up to the roof.
    She had just closed the door when she heard a voice say “hey thereâ€
    She jumped dropping her box lunch, she then turned to her right and saw takeshi sitting there eating a cheeseburger with his left hand and holding her lunch in the right.
    “oh thank you†she said as he handed her the lunch.
    He then patted the ground next to him and she took a seat there.
    “so um why did you move to Tokyo?†she asked a little shyly
    He shrugged “it’s complicated†he said as he pulled out another burger.
    She looked away munching on some melon bread, his aura had flared slightly.
    They ate their lunches in silence until the bell rang and she stood up and turned to leave when she noticed he hadn’t moved.
    “aren’t you coming?†she asked
    He nodded “yea just something I have to do first†he said.
    She nodded and headed down to the class room.
    Takashi watched as she left then moved out of sight for a second, a moment later there was a slight flash of red light.

    Natalie looked around as the second bell rang and noticed takashi wasn’t back yet.
    ‘weird’ she thought.
    She heard the door open and saw takashi walk in.
    Her eyes widened as she noticed his aura was significantly weaker than before.
    As he took his seat she decided that he was worth walking on home with.

    please give some good comments if you like it just tell me and ill put more chapters on

    oh and to the gang dont expect me on a ton kay
    Thread by: NeoJecht, Apr 7, 2009, 0 replies, in forum: Archives
  15. NeoJecht
    ooc hey guys sorry ive been off unfortunatly im gonna be gone even longer cause ive been grounded the reason
    i got an F in english and world civ
    so im not gonna be on for um a month so just go on if you want but my guys gone...........but seeing as you guys dont seem to care if he is in on with the rp you heartless rpers you!!!
    Post by: NeoJecht, Mar 27, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. NeoJecht
    jecht walked down the alley still covered in blood when something heavy landed on him
    "ow" he muttered

    Post by: NeoJecht, Mar 25, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. NeoJecht
    ooc im sorry daxma it kinda is wrong im gonna allow it this one time but dont do something with that again im cool with you summoning the dead to fight or council but non of the others relatives without their permission kay
    Post by: NeoJecht, Mar 25, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. NeoJecht


    ooc *face faults* oh come on
    Post by: NeoJecht, Mar 24, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. NeoJecht
    ooc big basement

    bic jecht walked through town ignoring all stares from everone who saw him without his hood
    "geeze take a picture much" he muttered
    he was then aware of the police heading towards him
    "OH joy thats all i need"
    Post by: NeoJecht, Mar 24, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. NeoJecht
    jecht walked to where his target apperently hung out in a back alley he walked up drawing his katana as he shifted to his killer side he shot forward quickly killing the man sending blood everwhere he took a picture on his phone for proof the walked off
    Post by: NeoJecht, Mar 24, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home