Jason walked out of his apartment, up to the roof of the building he was in breathing in the cool night air. "Ah the air is really fresh here"
cool so when do we start?
*pinches bridge of nose* ed dont be so immature oh and are you gonna update the rp?
First you dont have to put their fate, second your in as soon as you reread the rules
Aw look wittle ed is mad at me how- *THUD* *whacks him again* i thought i knocked you out
oh yeah i joined nocturn of oblivion
....... Dont do it Jecht. I'M CALLING YOU A TINY PIPSQUEAK SO SMALL THAT YOU NEED A MICROSCOPE *wacks jecht over the head* Baka
Signature Size: 400x125 Stock/Render:http://www.crunchyroll.com/group/:_::Cavern_of_Hearts::_:/photos/4302915301 Other:Just make it look awesome Also try and find the name of the person who posted the image :D
Hey Bareri-sama, remember me?
IntroFate, Destiny, whatever you call it, we are all bound by it, or at least we should be. We are the Variables or the Resisters, those who excist outside of fate, we are capable of the impossible the in human. We have no destiny....... yet StoryIn the world of Sylicia, everyone has a destiny, a fate set in stone that is never to change, though the general public is unaware of it, their choices have already been decided. however 10 years ago strange things began to happen, impossibles were accomplished, miracles began to happen, people began to defie fate itself. Of course these people were rejected, fate made sure of that, they became known as the resisters of fate and public enemy number one for their strange powers, also anyone they came in contact with their fates would change. Now fate has released demonic creatures into the world to destroy them. What is your Fate. ResistersThose who resist Fate, who are able to do the impossible they have unique characteristics such as unusual hair and eye color, strength, height, speed, etc, however one thing truly makes you a resister. Their marks of power, each resister has a mark on his or her body that symbolizes their inner power to resist the system of fate. DemonsAgents of fate itself to destroy the resisters, they themselfs can have the power to move outside of fate but differently than the resisters, no one notices their actions. they have two forms their demon form and a human form. they seek the resisters relentlessly and will not rest until they have them. HumansThe common people who are bound by fates will to a certain destiny, no matter the choices they make they are destinied to it, only those who come in contact with a resister can have their destiny changed OC Forms Resisters Username: Name: Age: (make it reasonable, no hundred year olds) Gender: Appearance: (picture please) Bio: Personality: Weapon: Mark of Power: Abilities: (please make it reasonable, No Energy-blast from the butt) Other: Demons Username: Name: Age: (These are the hundred people) Gender: Demon form: Human form: Weapon: Personality: Abilities: Other: Human Username: Name: Age: Gender: Appearance: Bio: Personality: Other: Rules (gotta have them)1. NO GOD-MODDING 2.No yaoi or yuri 3. keep the romance pg-13 4. No SEX! 5. keep your powers reasonable you only need about 2 or 3 to start 6. have destiny in your first post 7.I have the right to kick you out of the RP 8.proper grammer please (or at least have it readable) 9.No running the story please, this is not YOUR story this is OUR story got it if you try to shape it you are out 10. violence and romance is expected 11. only 3 characters per person 12. there will be a limit to how many resisters and demons there are, i might be willing to add more if properly persuaded. Characters Resisters 1.(Reserved for NeoJecht) 2.Username: Midnight Star Name: Tory Age: 16 Gender: Female Appearance: http://media.photobucket.com/image/blue manga girl/miss_dirtbike/blue_hair_anime_girl.png Bio: Never really fit in at school and was quite lonely, however she craved to be accepted. Her parents were wealthy and have arranged a marriage to a vain arrogant boy. She hated everything her parents wanted her to be. She eventually ran away, not being able to take it anymore and has never stopped running. Her fate was too follow her parents and follow her arranged marriage. Personality: Quiet, determined, lonely, likes to have a laugh, often hides her emotions Weapon: 2 small daggers Mark of Power: a pentagram on her back Abilities: Flight, invisibility, healing Other: N.A. 3. 4. 5. 6. Demons 1.(reserved for NeoJecht) 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Humans
um Aerith? you there dont you dare ignore me!!!!
well thats better than nothing, me nobody noes me........ well like 5 people
.......... yeah still miffed about that
okay good i was worried none of my old online friends were still here
jason lay on his bed in his room in the creative city, he looked out the window at the sky the to his own hand "gonna paint this world"
hey twilight how ya been any good rps out?
hey shadow you still here?
hey ctrl guess who's back .......... and a bit of an s.o.b any bets on how long it'll be till you and me have a talk?
hey don't ignore me i come back to reminisce and only daxma says hi
hey sums how ya been hows cupcake?