I read about a scarlett samurai form. Is it working?
And now I'm seeing a Rocker with octupus tentacles coming out of his face
I'm supposed to be in 8th grade but I skipped a grade
It's still there. I'm starting to see pixie dust and red lepricons jumping around the cabin
lol wut? He was held back in pre-k 2x due to his autism(aspergers syndrome)
He's supposed to be a junior but he's a freshman
When he was 10 he was 5"8". I personally don't believe it because in 6th grade he was 5"9"
He's been growing for quite a long time. His mother always told people that he looked her in the eye at 10 and she's 5 "8"
Well the measuring tape must be wrong then. He didn't have his growthspurt until this year. I'm still 5 "2" D:
I smiled and my addiction is still right in front of me.....rum
The towering treetop. That's him. He's actually 7 "1/2" Unless he's grown in two days
That's him alright. I looked at his profile.
actual names? At least send me a link to his profile
did he say he likes fireworks and blowing stuff up in his intro if so that's him
Well my ex-boyfriend/best friend beat him up so he's trying to get back together with me. I think my ex has an account on this. He got me into KH....
I got into what you guys call catfights. He cheated on me and blamed me
Well he broke up with me because of a fight
Good good. Trying to patch things up with my boyfriend
Me or Jack Sparrow :Awesome: