Not even funny he's worse than my uncle Bonaparte
To the grand line
I know :Awesome:
I'm King of the Pirates not a drama queen
but I can't
I did not know that
He has no booty I stole it all while he was in the shower. i also poked holes in his socks with my sword
Yeah and my 21st century self is in your backyard buried and I come up from my grave on halloween and eat your souls is that you reptart
I've got every major search engine known to 17th century man.. bounty hunters
It's not wise to upset a wookie. Wookies are known to tear people's arms off son
I think it's all worked by nations' satellites of course how would I know :Awesome: I live in the 17th century :Awesome:
I now know your first name. i'll find you on facebook now Wahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha dies of lack of air
:yelling: not the internet
Ok see ya tomorrow
well that flushes my idea down the drain. How did they make Riku DW then? Could we do the same with Jack?
barbossa's sword digits barbossa's sword's digits right here 04A7
Sorry. Do you know any way to make Jack Sparrow dual wield in kh2 do you? I'm thinking of a Disney character form. Like give Jack valor's...
This thread is based off the might be movie The plot starts with Jack(me) solving the map looking for a way to have eternal life. While England is suffering a major loss they're struggling to recover. Barbossa, Elizabeth and the rest of the crew split up mainly Barbossa and Elizabeth. Elizabeth lives on the Flying Dutchman while Barbossa leads the crew to finding Jack. Meanwhile Cutler Beckett is struggling to stay alive so he drifts into Isla Muerta(sunken) and a medallion goes around his chest. He gives into greed to stay alive and eventually leads his own pirate crew to destroy the English military for abandoning him You can be these characters from the series Barbossa- Elizabeth- Will- Bootstrap- Cutler Beckett- Captain Teeve- Marty the Dwarf- if you can find other characters from the series then feele free to play them but tell me first so I can add them Rules no god-modding no unbeatable characters cursed pirates can be injured in moonlight Flying Dutchman pirates can die by dehydration and fire your shop may have as many cannons as you want but the limit 16 OOC Format- screename- name- side(english, cursed, dutchman cursed. normal pirate)- weapons- gender- ship(captain)- age- bio- history-
Oh didn't know that.
Anyway :Awesome: I'm making a POTC rp wanna join?