It was sunset on the sea as I was sailing on my ship, the magnificent Pearl. Her wooden mast so high and vast. It's a wonder I don't go faster. But as the moon shrouds the sun; the young stars come out to play. their joy shining down on the whispering sea. That's the pirate's life for me mate. A pirate isn't just some drunken rogue, but a sailor at heart and warrior at sea. but alas me mates we have a new course. The island of Isla De Muerta. My crew, scarred with hate and anger have been talking of mutiny against my rule over my ship. Everything is going according to plan of course. My beloved Tala Dolma has told me of my future and I will be recognized as a man of amazing feats and quick craftiness. I will be Jack Sparrow, prince of drunkards and master of the sea. "Jack, where we be goin, Jack" asked the shrouded Jacoby. "That is none of your business mate now get back to work or you'll be skinned and fed to the crew." I'll continue tomorrow
How about 30 hours, Jaden because some people have to study and all that crap. So it'd give members like Fayt and Scarlett a chance to make their turn. If not then I vote for 24 hours.
I think the secret ending is non-canon, but what do we know. Nomura likes to toy with our minds. He'll probably end up showing them sometime in the game.
Ruon becomes staff :guns:
rum bottle and then he eats a
I may be ripping off the whole Nofaptober thing but here'sa competition version. We have a list of people who joined this lil game. The objective of the game is elemination. The last person(s) who haven't been insulted win. Rules: 1. you can only insult 2 times. 2. you may team up and strategize. 3. the game is within this thread. 4. A person nsulted may give their leftover insults to another player. 5. stay withn the rules of KHV. Say something like Snake Eyes sucks Yahtzee.
oh, well it looks like you haven't messaged her back.
well it doesn't matter anymore. I was telling you that it's better to put it this way current: desired: nice pic in the general discussion section
Is my gf the only one who messeges you these days or do you PM?
Not to forget about the hand refill, savvy??
Noooooooo, why are you wearing shoes??
"takes out pistol and shoots the pirate"
Would you like some RUM :)
The 4th POTC movie comes out :) Hmmmmm. Deathspank will resume control of KHV and be active?
I've heard of a 4th Pirates of the Caribbean movie. Anybody else heard of this. thanks ahead of time.
Alright crew I've got the rum but it's only for me!!! Where's me crew?
That's because I hardly sign in. Is there going to be a Couples' special for the duel arena when it's Valentines Day?
Ello mate. Care to join me crew. Think you already have. How bout we blast the holy bajesus out of that arena and duel?
Ease it Carl and Jack he did a fair move so keep that in mind. You were ok with Jaden using the seal yet your talking about how unfair it is for Yusei(Carl) to use card destructionand card of demise. Sounds like your ucking up to Jaden to me
you really are stupid aren't you? You destroyed your own monsters