Neal's breathing slowly stopped.
Neal breathed deeply. His eyes slowly closed.
Neal held her tight. "I need to go to a hospital..."
Neal cautiously hugged her.
Neal kissed her deeply for a long time. He broke away, blushing. "Um... that's how I say thank you..."
Neal pulled the metal out of his leg with a cry of pain. He grabbed the poll in his stomach. He started pulling it out.
"My neck... inject my neck..." Neal tried keeping his eyes open.
I said, MAYBE.
Neal slowly reached towards the black case he had earlier. "Syringe..." He gasped.
Neal started to close his eyes.
Neal's breathing grew ragged. He was getting paler.
Maybe. xD
Neal couldn't speak. He put a hand on her head.
Neal coughed up blood. Metal scraps pierced his legs and a poll pierced his stomach.
"Either he is burning to death, or dead." The G-Men brushed themselves off.
Two people emerged from the wreckage. It was the G-Men. They didn't have a scratch on them.
The car exploded with Neal and the G-Men in it.
The missles turned around and came at her again.
Two missles shot at Rhixan.
"Certainly." The other G-Men pressed a button.