Alenx held her tight.
-Holds for a moment-
Alenx kissed Croma. "Heh... I love you..."
Okay. -Hugs tight- We'll talk on msn then.
-Hugs and kisses- I wuv you very much...
Grandpa opened the door. Two men in black suits and sunglasses stood in the doorway.
Grandpa shushed them. Neal hid in a box.
"Just one moment, gentlemen!" Grandpa slowly walked towards the door.
"Open up! This is the G-Men!" An angry voice shouted.
There was suddenly a knock at the door.
Alenx kissed her head.
Alenx held Croma's head against his chest.
Alenx held her close and licked her neck.
Alenx kissed her neck.