Later Knightshade! *looks up at Kiburedo* Not very big...And now I'm going to be stuck in it forever! I'll be..."Hika-cket" Or "Buc-ri"! *panics*
Yumiko turned to Fayte and placed her index finger on her bottom lip. "I know his name...." She mumbled to herself facing the ground. "But I don't excatly rememeber how I know him."She shrugged, and turned back to the wall.
*smiles* I guess....*takes hand**tries to get out* Wait....I think I'm stuck to the bucket...Lovely...*wiggles around in bucket*
Yumiko walked up to him and examined the wall carefully. "Why?" She asked, interested in the Graffiti. She had seen such a thing but had never seen somebody making it, it was a first for her.
*eye twitch* I gave my suicide speech for nothing?!?!?!?!!! *falls into bucket of ice cold water*
"Well, it's nice to see you again," Yumiko said, leaning against a wall. She looked at the ceiling and then heard a sort of spraying noise. She turned her head towards Exel. "What are you doing?" She asked him.
Oh no....Guys. Suicide is not the answer. Nobody hates you two. And if they do, screw them. Who cares what people think! Just because reality is getting harder doesn't mean you have to give up! Show the people who you hate most that you can accomplish anything! Don't let anything stand in your way. If you kill yourself, you just destroyed somebodies happiness. You might not realize it, but somebody in this world cares about you. Don't let anything or anyone bring you down. Now can we all just be happy and put on our happy faces?....Please?
Yumiko stood still for a moment. Her eyes widened, like it was all coming back to her. She closed blinked a couple times and then placed her hand on her head. "I feel a headache coming on," she thought. "I-I just remembered your name.....Fayte, Right?"
What?! Kiburedo! Your not hurting inside.....!...Are you?
"Remember what?" Yumiko asked. "What have I done to make you upset?"
Knightshade...Have you become more suicidal then me? Are you cutting yourself? Burning yourself? Brining any sort of harm to others? Do you feel unloved? Unwanted? Nuot cared for? Are there moments where you feel like everyone on the planet has just turned on you? Have you began hating the world and everyone in it?
Yumiko looked at him awkardly and asked, "Is something wrong?" She could sense the sadness in his voice and remembered that he had sounded cheerful before.
It makes sense...People shouldn't kill themselves over something as stupid as a "Pointless" life. If life is so pointless...Make it have a point.
Well just because someone thinks life is Pointless doesn't mean they are going to kill themselves...
For some people, "Pointless" is life.
Yumiko lazily turned her head towards the unknown person that had said her name. "Yes?"
True. You might as well die saying, "What will this solve?! Killing isn't the answer!" And then, your dead.
Yumiko cocked an eyebrow. She placed her finger on her bottom lip thinking back. "Why did I kiss another guy?" She repeated awkardly. She turned her back on him, finally remembering. "Oh yes...That. I don't know....It was in the moment I guess. I'm sorry." She turned off to walk, the moment of that kiss running over and over in her head like a bad film.
But someone still ends up dying....
I'd die for anyone too....It's kind of weird when you think about it...