"Well that makes sense...." Yumiko mumbled. "Don't you ever do such a stupid thing like that again!" She moved away from his face and stared at his back. "I'm going to try a couple curing spells..." She rolled up her sleeves and touched his back. She moved her hand in a circular motion. A light blue mist appeared under hand as her hand moved in circles. The mist changed from the color blue, to white, to green, and kept doing so. "Is it working? Do you feel any better?"
It's fine when I say it! Not when anybody else says it! *goes into L positioning* Just drop it! *hugs knees*
OOC: No! I forgot about the scythe! When Yumiko had reached the room, she immedeitly tried to throw Kite on a random bed but found she couldn't. After lifting, pushing, kicking, and cursing, she finally had Kite lying on his stomach. "Finally!" She said as she climbed over him. She put one of her legs on each side of him and searched around the room. "Knife..Knife..I need a knife...!" She them remembered that she always kept one attached to her arm. "Stupid!" She reached in her sleeve and pulled out the weapon. She then cut Kite's jacket in half and examined the wound. "Oh... Well this might take a while." She leaned closer to his ear and poked at his cheek. "Hey...Kite...Are you alive?" OOC: Tularim... Be nice.
But you didn't need to call me a female dog....! Just forget it...It doesn't bother me..
Yumiko flinched and simply stood over Kite's body, taking in what had just happened. She would have cried, but after so many years, she simply forgot how to. She kneeled down and stared at him, shocked by what he had done and didn't know what to say or how to react. She hesitated to take his hand for a bit but then did. "Idiot..." She mumbled underneath her breath. She began dragging him to his drom. "Why didn't you just let him attack? There is no reason I should have lived.... Why can't you just learn to let things go?" She swallowed, holding back tears and contiued to take him to the dorm. "I guess...Nobody can truly let things go.." She began to smile a bit but then quickly stopped herself. "You are an idiot Kite....But you're my idiot." OOC: I love that last line... xD
*gasp* You just called me a female dog* That's not nice! *hides in emo corner* Not nice at all...
I'm not. *sips cocoa*
No...Not really.... *takes cocoa*
"Aww.... You two are so desperate it's funny." Yumiko laughed, taking this whole sitution as a joke. She said she wouldn't tell, so she wouldn't. "You can beg all you want...What on earth makes you think I will give a damn?" OOC: She's so evil...it's kind of scary. O.o
*sits on couch* You were jealous?
"I said I wouldn't talk about," Yumiko said giving a half wave. "So I'm not going to talk about it." She walked out of the lounge and into the hall. "But maybe...I'll change my mind." She glared at Haseo. "Sl*ts can try to be good people." She then walked futher into the hall.
"We went to school together," Yumiko mumbled. "I never did know here that well....But that's not the point. I know where she is and I don't plan on talking about the past." She turned to leave the lounge. She turned to Haseo and Kite. "Does it matter?" She asked leaving the room.
Well you weren't here to kiss my finger! You're never here when I need you most! *sits corner*
Yumiko looked at everybody in the room and turned her back. "Oh yes, nobody had seen Hotaru after she left. I guess I was the last one to see her.... Shame on me.... When I had the chance to help her out... I didn't." She yawned. "What is amazing is that I know where she is... But enemies don't tell on other enemies... Isn't that right, Haseo?"
"Oh great.... You call me stupid names and have no proof that those names fit me," Yumiko mumbled rolling her eyes. "At least the person I care about wasn't an assassin.... When I had the chance..I should have killed Hotaru off." She glared at Kite and then the ground. "Sorry...."
Yumiko glared at Haseo coldly. "Well I'm sorry your friend didn't believe me." She turned towards Kite and faked smiled. "Nothing really.... I'm just figuring things out...Thinking about mistakes..." She turned to Haseo and smirked. "You would know a lot about mistakes wouldn't you Haseo?"
Yumiko felt the anger grow inside her as she stormed into the lounge. "Talking about someone special?" She asked glaring at Haseo. She tapped each of her fingers on her jewels trying not shout at Haseo for saying untrue things about her. "Stay calm...Stay calm..." She thought.
Yumiko was passing through the lounge when she had heard Haseo and Kite. She knew she should have kept walking but she couldn't help herself and listen for a bit. "It's not right to listen into their conversation," She mumbled quietly to herself. She leaned against a wall and smirked. "But who ever said I do the right things." She looked down at her palms, pretending to examine the jewels.
Yumiko hummed happily for once as she wondered the halls carrying small red jewels in her hand. She had created the jewels yesterday from nothing at all ad was planning to turn them into poison. She had felt it was the right time to test her skills she had adopted from her mother.