*mumbles in sleep* I hate it when people make fun of anime too.... I get it so rough people sometimes just because I'm asian.... I bothers me...But *yawn* I tell them to screw off.... Comic conventions are...*yawn* Great... Night night everyone! *sucks thumb* xD
If something is bothering you...Tell people Knightshade! Oh Kiburedo! Let's be mean together! *:glomp:s Kiburedo* xD I gotta go. Later guys. *falls asleep in Kiburedo's arms because I'm bad like that* :china:
OOC: I gotta go too. Later guys. *:glomp:s everybody*
You guys are so mean to people! Gosh...It's not nice to hurt others.... *hides weapons* xD
*gasp* Shame on you, Kiburedo! SHAME!
Yumiko moved the claw from behind her back and poked at it. "I wouldn't know how that feels.... At least.. I wouldn't anymore." She chuckled a little. "To think.... I was going to kill you." She was tempted to look at him but didn't. "I'm sorry for hurting you."
It wasn't meant to be one...
YUmiko shifted away a bit and turned to the door. "Maybe..." She lied. "Did you?"
Kiburedo. I can picture you yelling at people UnSaintly Saint. You probably enjoy it too.
OOC: NO! KEEP HIKARI! Yumiko sighed before ansering. "I ruined people's lives.... And I liked doing it. I let power go to my head."
OOC: Donna toki datte Tada hitori de Unmei wasurete Ikite kita noni Totsuzen no Hikari no naka, me ga sameru Mayonaka ni Shizuka ni Deguchi ni tatte Kurayami ni Hikari wo ute EVERYBODY NOW! *waves lighter in air* Yumiko remained quiet for a moment. She then said sodtly. "I rather not talk about it..."
You yell at people? Wow.... I really can't see that. You seem like you could never raise your voice.
OOC: DESTINYSTAR!!!!! GREAT NAME CHOICE FOR THAT FLYING THING! :noworries: Yumiko sat down next to him and looked down at the bed. "So...What have you been up to?"
*claps* I just mess things up Kiburedo.... Whatever. I'm trying to learn from my mistakes.
Yumiko simply shrugged and turned her head towards the wide open door. "I should have shut that..." She thought. "Yes. I wanted to see the wound. Are you mad?"
Aw, take it Kiburedo. He seems just like you.... I made you mad again?! Are you serious?! I just become meaner and meaner don't I?
"Well actually...No," Yumiko mumbled calmly. She was not only lying to Kite, but she was lying to herself. Over the years, that's all she could do, lie to herself. "Just trying to make conversation."
Too bad Kiburedo.... *stands up and hugs Tularim* Happy?
Yumiko froze for a moment and then raised her other hand. Her nails on the hand grew long and sharp. A freakish grin came upon her lips as she prepared to strike Kite. "Love...." She mumbled, comming to her sense. "Love is a strong word." She sighed a conitued to heal Kite. She couldn't bring herself to ger rid of her claw though. She simply hid it behind her back. "Will Haseo be alright?" She asked calmly.
........*looks at Tularim like this http://i167.photobucket.com/albums/u136/misssmomo11/creepy-smile.jpg* Are you testing me.....?