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  1. Kairi9020
    OOC: Bye Xephos!
    Post by: Kairi9020, Jan 27, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Kairi9020
    Yumiko wandered the halls of the college boredly. It had been a while since she'd seen anyone. She wanted something interesting to happen.
    Post by: Kairi9020, Jan 27, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Kairi9020
    *:glomp:s Kiburedo* Guess who loves you Kiburedo? xD
    Post by: Kairi9020, Jan 27, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  4. Kairi9020
    "It doesn't matter which one, he's still gone," Yumiko muttered. "I should have never started a fight with you.... Do you need any help with anything?"
    Post by: Kairi9020, Jan 26, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Kairi9020
    Yuimko took a step back and stopped moving. "He... Passed away?" Her facial expression softened as she bowed her head. "I'm sorry." She placed her swords/arms back in her sleeves.
    Post by: Kairi9020, Jan 26, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Kairi9020
    "Maybe," Yumiko mumbled, striking for his stomach. "How do you know about Jeryl and Emi?"
    Post by: Kairi9020, Jan 26, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Kairi9020
    "Because...." Yumiko muttered. She turned her head away and brought her arms to her sides. She then lifted her arm out in front of her and rolled the sleeves of her kimono. What were supposed to be her arms were now replaced by long, sharp silver metal. "I hate anybody or anything that has to do with my enemies." She struck at Exel. "And at the moment... I'm not really liking you.."
    Post by: Kairi9020, Jan 26, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Kairi9020
    "S-Shut up!" Yuimko said in a loud whisper. She had hated Emi... But not for the right reasons. She had hated Emi for being the sister of Haseo. She hated Haseo... So she hated Emi. "Emi was my downfall in everything."
    Post by: Kairi9020, Jan 26, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Kairi9020
    "Are you saying I can't win if I fight with you?" Yumiko asked taking a step closer to him. "Because I'm probably just as good as a fighter you are. Maybe even better. So don't try and test me."
    Post by: Kairi9020, Jan 26, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Kairi9020
    "Well my choice is to not let you keep spray painting our library," Yumiko insisted. "And if this has to end in a fight... I hope you have a good health plan."
    Post by: Kairi9020, Jan 26, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Kairi9020
    Are you threating me....?" Yumiko asked, clenching her fist. "Because that doesn't seem like much of a threat."
    Post by: Kairi9020, Jan 26, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Kairi9020
    Yumiko looked at Exel fearfully. "What on earth are you doing?!" She said in a loud whisper. She stood in front of him, her arms placed out at her sides, as if to be protect what was behind her. "You can't do that in here!" She said eyeing him.
    Post by: Kairi9020, Jan 26, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Kairi9020
    Yumiko stopped suddenly in the wall from her search of a library. She could feel her leg cramping up. She rubbing the back of her knee carefully but she still felt the pain. She stopped touching her leg and leaned against a wall.
    Post by: Kairi9020, Jan 26, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Kairi9020
    OOC: ..... How so?
    Post by: Kairi9020, Jan 26, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Kairi9020
    I wish I wasn't bored...
    Post by: Kairi9020, Jan 26, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  16. Kairi9020
    After going through her moruning routine and skipping breakfast, Yumiko was headed towards the library. Still be new and all, she didn't know where it is. "I should have checked that map," she thought as she passed doors.
    Post by: Kairi9020, Jan 26, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Kairi9020
    "Okay... I've got stand up," Yumiko thought as she raised her lower back. "Get.. Up..." She raised her upper half so now she was on her hands and knees, the blanket still over her body. "Now.. To get to the door..." She catiously crawled off the bed and onto the floor, careful not to knock anything down. "Careful..Careful..." When she finally reached the door she reached for the doorknob and stood. Throwing off the blanket, Yumiko proceeded out the door and into the halls.
    Post by: Kairi9020, Jan 26, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Kairi9020
    Yumiko gradually opened her eyes and found herself staring the ceiling. She cocked her eyebrow in confusion. She opened her mouth to speak but closed it rapidly. She turned her head from the ceiling and frowned. "Agh..." She muttered, feeling a strike of pain in her throat when she turned. She lifted her hands from her stomach and onto her neck. She rubbed her esophagus gingerly and turned her whole body towards a wall. She then curled up into a ball, arching her back and hugging her knees close to her chest. Using Aeroga, she pulled the covers over here. They covered her whole body, as if to be consuming her.
    Post by: Kairi9020, Jan 26, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Kairi9020
    You just get cockier and cockier, don't you?
    Post by: Kairi9020, Jan 25, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  20. Kairi9020
    Yumiko tilted her head a bit to the side, stunned. She chuckled quietly, "You never fail to amaze me." She stood up slowly, trying to keep balance and looked around for two sheets. When she found them, she threw one over Train's body and covered herself with one. She then slowly made her way back to the bed and sat. She stared at Train for mintues in amazement but soon ended up falling alseep sitting up. "Maybe...." She had said quietly. "Maybe I'm whole." With that, she had fallen into a deep slumber.

    OOC: Later guys...!
    Post by: Kairi9020, Jan 25, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home