-_-... Fine.. I see how it is. *sits in emo corner*...*hides in giant black blanket* xD
OH!.... Tularim!!! *:glomp:s* Don't be like that.
O.O Okay.... xD Neither did I Knightshade.. Neither did I. xDDDDD Snake eyes Knight? Snake eyes?!?!?!
WOW! Tuarim, your girlfriend must be AWESOME! I bet she's like a ray light that brightens the darkness. She's probably like a beauty that always gives hope. Her eyes probably show faith, love, and warth. Her voice is like an angel with a secret. Her body moves like a goddess. Her smile.... Is light. xDDDDD She is probably the amazing... I wish I knew here. :P
*pokes Knightshade* Where's my usernote?!?!?!?!
I'm on... For now. xD
I've faced it... I just don't like it.
I hate her too. She's so.... Awkard!
*GASP* Wow.... Well some people aren't into it. Light and Misa annoy me...
Yumiko steped out of her room and into the hall. She yawned and rubbed her eyes with the back of her hand. She stood still and looked around her.
Of course! L is my favourite character!!! Who's yours?
Anybody around?
:silence: There are no words to describe how disturbed I am right now. :silence:
Oh... Well... I forgive you then. Fine.. Well use the room you and your "Cocoa Buddy" share...
I am not bottling my feelings!!! Are you asking me to forgive you, Kiburedo?
No I don't. I love nothing and no one.... Well I do love someone but that is not the point.......
No Kiburedo....*cough*Sarcasm*cough*:silence:
Hi RRMS....
Yeah... Your welcome. :silence:
O.O....:sweat:Well... Of cousre they do. Heh.. That's who I was refferring to the WHOLE time.... Yeah.. Let's go with that... Yes Chaser..... I was PWNED.