Light And Shadow- Philip Wesley
Dark Night Of The Soul- Philip Wesley
Darn, I missed you by half an hour. =/
Namine saw Roxas offer his hands to her, so she lifted both of hers up and set them into his, at the same time shifting her feet so that she could rise. "Thanks," she said with a weak smile. While she was at it, she would take a quick shower; she felt disgusting now.
Yeah, sounds good. xD Buh-bye!
"Ugh," Namine groaned, bringing a hand to her forehead. She was already a little stressed; the last thing she needed was Ty testing her patience like he was now. Now, not only did she have to clean up the crackers and the vomit, but she also had to clean up the water. And she was wet herself. Terrific.
Yuppers. xD After my next post, I'm off. See you later!
Namine looked up from tossing a cracker in the trashcan, the girl standing right by the wastebasket and the bucket of water. "Fine," she answered with a soft nod. She was making some progress...A yellow streak caught her attention, the girl seeing Ty rush past Roxas and into the kitchen. Her eyes widened when Ty bumped into her legs, forcing her down onto her bottom. However, that wasn't the worst of what he did. He rammed the bucket of warm water and tipped it over, hot soapy water running all over the floor and soaking into Namine's jeans as she sat there. "Ty!" she groaned, seeing him standing nearby innocently.
Yeah, she shows it to him. xD
Namine started picking up crackers, ignoring their sliminess as she tossed them into the trash can. Ty must have managed to eat at least a few of them, though she couldn't tell because so many were scattered across the floor. She held her breath a little bit as she did her work, not wanting to smell what was on the other side of the room waiting to be cleaned up.
Yeah, it should be awesome. xD And then Roxas and Sora can come over in the middle of it, and Riku and the girls can play keep away.
Namine finished with the water, the bucket three quarters of the way full with water and soap. She turned off the faucet and set it on the ground where it was out of her way, the girl then reaching for the trashcan so that she could pick up all the crackers that Ty had managed to spread all across the room.
Yuppers. xD Here's what I have in mind: Namine + Kairi + Riku + Embarrassing footage of Sora and Roxas in kitchen. ;3
Namine smiled weakly at Roxas before she walked into the kitchen, avoiding stepping on soggy crackers as she made her way to the sink. She reached into a cabinet underneath the sink and pulled out a bucket, a cloth, and cleaner, all of the things she would need to straighten up this mess. She started filling the bucket with warm water, the girl frowning at the smell.
Okie doke. And OH! I've had an idea for the RP I've wanted to tell you about for a while now. xD I need to sort out some ideas with the plan, but...
Namine brought her hand away from her forehead, dreading what she had to do. "Could you round up Ty?" she asked, turning to look at Roxas. "I've got some cleaning to do." She couldn't let this sit around; she didn't even know how long it had been there in the first place.
'Kay. =) You know when you'll be on later today?
Namine brought a hand to her forehead, shaking her head in disbelief. "There goes any appetite I had," she mumbled, trying not to take in the smell or the sight of the kitchen. She sighed, realizing that she would have to clean all this up like nuts to get rid of the awful smell.
Another half hour sound good to you? xD
Namine nodded, turning her head after seeing Ty walking around the front yard. She'd leave him to that, while she inspected the house. She tried to prepare herself as she stepped inside, seeing that the entrance hall was clear. That was good, but what was that smell? She turned for the kitchen right away, not bothering to take off her shoes or coat. She reached the doorway and stopped right there, a groan leaving her lips. Crackers were spread all over the floor, some slobbered on and others half eaten. And then on the far end of the room...She turned her head away, realizing that it was vomit that she had smelled before.