'Kay, see ya!
"Give it a day, though, and you should feel better," Sora said, offering Kairi a faint smile in reassurance. He wasn't feeling any lingering effects of that realm, so he was sure that it would wear off of Kairi sometime soon. At least, he hoped that was the case.
Who Am I- Casting Crowns
xD Hope you feel better!
"That realm naturally weakens people, but it's probably worse for you because of your Light," Sora explained, lifting his eyes to Kairi when he was done speaking. He wished that weren't the case, but no matter how badly he wanted to change things, he couldn't. That was reality.
Alrighty. =/ You plan on coming back any time?
"I was afraid you'd say that," Sora confessed softly, a quiet breath leaving his lips as he dropped his gaze to the ground for a few moments. It made sense to him...He had been weaker in that realm, so he should have expected the same from the girls. Well, especially Kairi, considering that she held Pure Light in her heart.
Yuppers. xD
"...When'd you start feeling like this?" Sora asked, observing Kairi's movements before his eyes went back up to her face. He had a bad feeling about what her answer would be, since the thought had crossed his mind earlier. Still, he wouldn't jump to conclusions; he would wait for Kairi's answer before he thought things over.
Everything yummy is fattening. xP
"What's wrong?" Sora asked softly, his hands by his sides as he looked to the girl on the bed. He wasn't sure what she was sick with, but if he could, he would get her some medicine to help her feel better.
I know people who do that too. xD That's weird.
"Not really," Sora said honestly. "It's just unlike you to sleep in this late." That, and she appeared differently than she normally did; he juts couldn't put his finger on it, but something was different about her facial expression. He wondered,though, what kind of sickness she was feeling.
Eww no. xD Just with salad and veggies.
"I didn't think so," Sora said with a soft sigh, the teen having somehow known it when he saw her earlier. He lifted his hand and tucked back a little bit of Kairi's hair, even though she still had her head on the pillow.
No, it's just yummy! xD
Sora tiltled his head to the side slightly, keeping his eyes on the girl in front of him. "You feeling alright?" he asked gently, his voice encouraging her to tell the truth. She didn't quite look right to him...
xD That's so weird.
"Around noon," Sora responded softly, his eyes staying on Kairi's. He hadn't checked the time before he came back; he just knew that it was almost afternoon, if it wasn't already.
And for good reason. xD Who doesn't like ranch??