Repliku could do it.
911 .
Mother Tongue English Know Latin Spanish (what I can remember from 1st-6th grade, i.e. not much) Want to Know Japanese German
"But aren't they all gone?" Jeffrey asked, looking towards the black cloaked man. "I mean, I dunno who else would wear one of their cloaks, but I don't think they were hiding some extra member..."
That's turrible.
"Ouch..." Jeffrey's knuckles had turned red, sore from punching a tree. If the tree could feel, it wouldn't appreciate this... he thought jokingly.
Saying a bit more wouldn't hurt... "More or less," Jeffrey replied. "But our Xikari was a leader of a group, not one of Xehanort's minions..."
This is also KHV.
"You've got a nasty scar to prove it," Kairi commented. "We're not saying you're weak, just that Xehanort is much stronger than any of us," Jeffrey told them.
"They tried to fight Xehanort on their own?" Jeffrey asked. "Those idiots... of course, they were going to lose. Sora and the others had enough trouble with half of him, let alone the real deal."
"Well, someone must have used it," Jeffrey commented, shrugging. "Why else would he be nudging it like that?"
Namine stumbled onto her feet. "Hooves are hard to stand with..." "Ugh," Jeffrey groaned, getting back onto his paws. "It looks like we're far enough from the fire, for now." He turned his head towards Pride Rock. "Sora and Kairi are there, right?"
It could be worse. Spoiler
"I hope Roxas and Kurix found them," Kairi whispered, staring at the cloud of smoke in the distance. "Good to see you, too," Jeffrey said, pausing. "Now run!" He took off, not waiting for the others. I'm probably faster than all of you, but who knows how long I can keep it up...
Narutaru Higurashi no Naku Koro ni and Higurashi Kai
15, turning 16 in April.
"We should head to Pride Rock," Jeffrey said, looking at the stone structure. "The fire's nowhere near it." "What if there's anyone else in the fire?" Namine asked worriedly.
"A fire?" Kairi asked, seeing the smoke. She turned her head towards Sora. "What if the others are over there?" "Let me guess. Val?" Jeffrey asked, sighing. "Where would she even go without you?" He looked at the cloud of smoke. "It's pretty close..."
Jeffrey turned around, hearing the grass rustling as Riku landed. "Who's there?!" he shouted growling, his tail lashing. He saw the silver leopard. "Oh, Riku." Jeffrey licked his paw awkwardly. "Well, according to Sora, we are near the lions' den," Kairi told Kurix. "It makes sense that they'd try to attack a prey animal so close to here."