Haseo sat up, seeing one of his roommates enter the room. "Yeah. Nice to meet you, er..." He adjusted his glasses in embarrassment. He wasn't sure whether this was Krown or Andrew.
Haseo opened the door to his room. No one was in there yet. Guess I'm the first one here. He put his bag down beside one of the beds, and stretched out on it, letting out a sigh. "That was a such a long ride..."
There'll be a slave revolt.
Haseo looked around at the group of other students. He wasn't sure who to talk to first. His eyes flashed towards the girl who called herself Cookiie. She seems quiet enough for us to get along... "Hi, I'm Haseo," he said, walking to her.
Username: Haseo Age: 15 Arcana: The Emperor Weapon: Katana and wakizashi "My name is Haseo and in this contract, I hereby affirm that I chooseth this fate of mine own will."
We can only hope.
213/219 .
I've ended up in the mountains of Mexico, the outskirts of a Romanian town, and Tokyo.
Seduce her.
Jeffrey took a sip of tea. He preferred it cold, but it was good nonetheless. He listened to Riku's translation of Eden's speech. Pure One...?
viri veri latine loquuntur.
Hey, what's going on in thi-
I don't see what's so private about a tail.
Their ankles?
Oh god the Yami floods.
It's how every great Disney villain dies.
This thread has left Rvr in despair.